Search Query: Peace

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You searched for "Peace" and here's what we found ...

What Sequestration Should Really Look Like

It’s official: sequestration has begun. Barack Obama has formally signed an order to put into effect the across-the-board government spending cuts known as “sequestration.” After failing to broker a deal at a meeting between Democratic (Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi) and Republican (John Boehner and Mitch McConnell) House and Senate leaders, the president told journalists, “Not everyone will feel the pain of these cuts right away. The pain though will be real. Beginning this week, many middle-class families will have their lives disrupted in significant ways.” The Budget Control Act (BCA) has come back to life with a vengeance, or so the American people have been led to believe. Signed into law (S.365, P.L. 112-25) by Obama on August 2, 2011, the BCA immediately raised the debt ceiling by $400 billion (to $14.694 trillion) and included provisions allowing the president to request two additional increases (up to $16.394 trillion), which, naturally, he did. The BCA also required ...

Liberals, Conservatives, and the Welfare State

Ronald Sider is a liberal. Paul Ryan is a conservative. But don’t let the labels fool you; they are more alike than you think. Sider is the founder of Evangelicals for Social Action, a think tank that promotes “peace with justice for the oppressed and marginalized throughout the world” by combining “biblical scholarship with astute policy analysis to further economic wholeness, support multilateral rather than unilateral U.S. foreign policy, promote racial and ecological justice, and generally try to make the world a better place.” Sider, who is the professor of Theology, Holistic Ministry and Public Policy at Palmer Theological Seminary, the seminary of Eastern University in Pennsylvania, is the author of more than 20 books, including Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger (InterVarsity Press, 1977), named as one of the 100 most influential books in religion in the 20th century. Ryan is a Republican member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Wisconsin. First elected to Congress in ...

Jonah Goldberg on Conservatives and Libertarians

In his current op-ed, “Fusion Power on the Right,” conservative Jonah Goldberg points to the increasing popularity of libertarianism, especially among young people. In a valiant attempt to embrace the trend, Goldberg argues that there really isn’t that much difference between libertarianism and conservatism. One has to wonder: what planet does Goldberg live on? Goldberg points to Frank Meyer’s attempt to reconcile conservatism and libertarianism in the 1950s with a “fusionist” argument. Meyer observed that a virtuous society was important to conservatives. The libertarian position is that a free society — that is, one in which people have the widest ambit of freedom of choice with respect to peaceful activity — will nudge people toward virtue. Thus, Meyer argued, here was a common philosophical basis for conservatism and libertarianism. However, there is one big problem still remaining: Conservatives believe that virtue is a necessary prerequisite for a free society. That is, they believe that people cannot be permitted to have a ...

Crises and Opportunities

The following 7-minute speech was delivered to 240 people at a meeting of the Charleston Meeting, a prestigious monthly discussion club in Charleston, South Carolina. Other speakers were U.S. Senator Tim Scott (R-S.C), Congressman Jeff Duncan (R-S.C.), Congressman-elect Mark Sanford (R-S.C.), Jim Capretta (American Enterprise Institute), Alex Nowrasteh (Cato Institute), Ken Abramowitz (New York financial planner), and Mark Mix ...