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The Rot at the Center of the Empire (commentary)

View the many reader responses to this article. Last weekend’s announcement that the U.S. government had relied on fake and false evidence in the attempt to secure approval of its upcoming invasion of Iraq was, by and large, met by a collective yawn from the American people, especially the members of Congress. It’s just one more example of the depths of moral depravity to which our nation has fallen. Think about: After months of enumerating a long laundry list of alternating justifications for invading Iraq and killing lots of people and after looking for every conceivable technical violation of UN resolutions to justify an invasion, it now turns out that the federal government has cited and relied on fake and false evidence to persuade both the American people and the UN Security Council that an invasion is necessary — an invasion that will certainly kill tens of thousands of Iraqis, including both ordinary soldiers and civilians, and possibly ...

What Foreign-Policy Debate?

Most everybody is commenting on how last night’s foreign policy “debate” wasn’t really a debate at all, given the extent to which Barack Obama and Mitt Romney have the same views on foreign policy. I don’t see how this could surprise anyone, not only because Democrats and Republicans have long shared the same overall philosophy on foreign policy but also because Obama abandoned his pre-2008 campaign promises on Guantanamo and civil liberties and essentially converted his administration into George W. Bush’s third term in office. Most Americans living today have been raised under a vast military empire and what has become known as the national security state. As the noted scholar Chalmers Johnson pointed out, the U.S. Empire consists of almost a thousand military bases in more than 100 countries all over the world, along with what President Eisenhower called the military-industrial complex, which consists of an enormous standing army, countless contractors, sub-contractors, and weapons suppliers, and hundreds of domestic ...

The Malalas You Will Not Hear About

Some news stories break your heart. On October 9, in Pakistan, 14-year-old Malala Yousafzai was shot twice in the head by Taliban gunmen. She is being treated in a hospital in Birmingham, England, where she was moved for specialized care and personal safety. Doctors say they expect a “good recovery.” Malala was targeted for assassination because of her prominent role in promoting education for girls in the Swat Valley in northwest Pakistan, which has served as a base for the Taliban. Several times, as power flowed back and forth, the Taliban outlawed the education of girls in the Swat. Malala became prominent in 2009, at 11 years old, when she wrote a series of blog posts for the BBC in which she chronicled life under the Taliban and pleaded for peace. On January 9, 2009, she wrote, I had a terrible dream yesterday with military helicopters and the Taliban. I have had such dreams since the ...

William Ewart Gladstone

National injustice is the surest road to national downfall. -- William Ewart Gladstone, Speech at Plumstead William Ewart Gladstone (1809-1898) Acton Institute William Gladstone Short Biography Historic Figures: William Ewart Gladstone BBC William Ewart Gladstones Great Campaigns for Peace and Freedom by Jim Powell Foundation for Economic Education William Ewart Gladstone by James Bryce