Search Query: Peace

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You searched for "Peace" and here's what we found ...

Romney Is a Disaster on Education

What a disaster conservatives are. They preach their old 1950s mantra “free enterprise, private property, and limited government” while embracing every socialist and interventionist program that comes down the pike. A recent example is Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s plan to fix America’s educational woes. Needless to say, you’d never find a conservative calling for the end of public schooling, one of the most socialist programs you’d ever find. It’s not a coincidence that public schooling is a core program in Cuba and North Korea. Both countries fervently embrace socialism and so it’s not surprising that they ardently embrace public schooling. Long ago conservatives made their peace with public schooling, notwithstanding their purported opposition to socialism. Conservatives were afraid that they wouldn’t be taken seriously by the media and the electorate if they called for “free enterprise, private property, and limited government” in the area of education. And so they went over to the statist side, even while continuing to preach ...

What’s the U.S. Empire Good For?

Among the big choices facing Americans is the role of the U.S. government in foreign affairs. Should the U.S. government have military bases in foreign countries … have a navy patrolling waters thousands of miles away from American shores … provide money and armaments to foreign regimes … effect regime change in foreign countries with coups, assassinations, or invasions … involve itself in the electoral process in other countries … kidnap, incarcerate, and assassinate people in foreign countries … sanction and embargo other nations … invade and occupy foreign nations? In other words, should the U.S. government have an overseas military empire and a foreign policy of interventionism? Or to put it another way, should it be the role of the U.S. government to be an international policeman, judge, jury, executioner, intervener, meddler, fixer, helper, and interloper? One thing is for sure: America’s Founding Fathers ardently opposed such a role for the U.S. government. Their position was that the U.S. government should stay ...

We’re All Socialists Now, Except for Libertarians

The Sunday edition of the New York Times published an interesting article that is certain to make some Americans who read it uncomfortable. Why is that? Because the article, which is entitled, “What’s a Socialist?” makes a point that many ordinary Americans hate hearing: that by adopting the welfare state, Americans in principle became socialists, just like Europeans. European Joschka Fischer, a spokesman for the Green Party, points out, “Even in the United States, you have a sort of welfare state, even if you don’t want to admit it — you don’t allow people to die on the street.” According to the article, Daniel Cohn-Bendit, who used to be called “Dany the Red” but who is now known as “Dany the Green,” points out that modern socialism is characterized by more reliance on the state and higher taxes on the wealthy. The article also points out that European Bernard-Henry Levy observes that European socialists are like American Democrats. Levy, however, ...

For International Friendships, Dismantle the Military Empire

The U.S. government has an un-American way of making friends in foreign affairs, one that the American people should abandon once and for all. It’s a method of friendship based on militarism, extortion, bribery, and military mercantilism. Concerned about the rising tide of friendly relationships that China is establishing with countries in Asia, Latin America, and elsewhere, the U.S. government ...