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Hornberger’s Blog, March 2012

Friday, March 30, 2012 Good for Pope Benedict! Good for Pope Benedict! During his trip to Cuba this past week, not only did he criticize Cuba’s embrace of Marxism and the Castro regime’s infringements on religious liberty and civil liberty, he also condemned the 50-year-old U.S. embargo on Cuba. He pointed out that the aim of greater freedom in Cuba was not helped by economic measures that “unfairly burden” Cuba’s people. Don’t you just love it when American Christians proudly proclaim that America is a Christian country while they continue to support their government’s embargo on Cuba? Would one Christian — just one — care to explain how the U.S. government’s cruel and brutal embargo against Cuba can be reconciled with Christian principles? Let’s see. There is the commandment that says that one should love his neighbor as himself. Christ said that that was the second-greatest commandment. Please, American Christians, show me how a government policy that is designed to inflict massive economic ...

Austrian Economics and the Present Crisis

Peter J. Boettke is the Deputy Director of the James M. Buchanan Center for Political Economy, a Senior Research Fellow at the Mercatus Center, and a professor in the economics department at George Mason University. Boettke was born and raised in New Jersey. He received his BA in economics from Grove City College and his PhD in economics from George Mason University. Before joining the faculty at George Mason University in 1998, he held faculty positions at Oakland University, Manhattan College and New York University. In addition, Boettke was a National Fellow at the Hoover Institution for War, Revolution and Peace at Stanford University during the 1992-1993 academic year. He has been a visiting professor or scholar at the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow, the Max Planck Institute for Research into Economic Systems in Jena, Germany, the Stockholm School of Economics, Central European University in Prague and Charles University in Prague. Boettke is the author of several books on the ...

How Major U.S. Neo-imperialist Wars End

This speech was given at The Future of Freedom Foundation’s June 2008 conference, “Restoring the Republic: Foreign Policy & Civil Liberties” held in Reston, Virginia. Transcript (PDF) Robert Higgs is Senior Fellow in Political Economy for The Independent Institute and editor of The Independent Review: A Journal of Political Economy. He received his Ph.D. in economics from the Johns Hopkins University, and he has been a member of the faculty at the University of Washington (1968-83), Lafayette College (1983-89), and Seattle University (1989-94) and a visiting professor at the University of Economics in Prague (2006). He has also presented a series of lectures and has supervised and examined doctoral candidates in economics at Francisco Marroquín University in Guatemala. He was a visiting fellow at Nuffield College, Oxford (1971-72), and a National Fellow at the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace at Stanford University (1973-74). Higgs is the author of eight books, the most recent of which are Depression, War, ...

Bully of the Playground: How Washington Makes Enemies Abroad and Undermines Freedom at Home

This speech was given at The Future of Freedom Foundation’s June 2007 conference, “Restoring the Republic: Foreign Policy & Civil Liberties” held in Reston, Virginia. Transcript (PDF) Ted Galen Carpenter is vice president for defense and foreign policy studies at the Cato Institute. Dr. Carpenter is the author of seven books and the editor of ten books on international affairs. ...

Egypt and the Perversion of American Values

The current controversy over U.S. foreign aid to Egypt highlights perfectly the moral bankruptcy of U.S. foreign policy and what such a policy has done to our nation. For the past three decades, the U.S. government has been funneling billions of dollars to the military dictatorship in Egypt. Notice the operative word in that sentence: dictatorship. Why is that word important? Because dictatorship ...

Obama’s “Free-Trade Pact” Is the Opposite of Free Trade

President Obama’s “free-trade pact” with Colombia at the recent Summit of the Americas demonstrates the statist mindset of liberals and, well, for that matter, conservatives — and shows how different their mindset is from that of libertarians. According to the Los Angeles Times, “When the pact takes effects May 15, most industrial and manufactured products exported from the U.S. and ...