Search Query: Peace

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You searched for "Peace" and here's what we found ...

GOP Debate Reveals Depraved and Deluded Political Class

The most recent GOP foreign policy debate revealed the depraved and deluded state of Americas political class. There was a time when U.S. presidents sought plausible deniability for things like torture and assassination; now such sordid practices are openly supported by candidates seeking the country's highest elected office. Several candidates were asked their opinion regarding waterboarding. Herman Cain said that he was against torture, but that he believed waterboarding to be an enhanced interrogation technique and therefore permissible. Michele Bachmann indicated she would authorize waterboarding. Rick Perry also supported it, saying, This is war. That's what happens in war. And I am for using the techniques, not torture, but using those techniques that we know will extract the information to save young American lives. And I will be for it until I die. Ron Paul and Jon Huntsman, to their credit, came out unequivocally against waterboarding, with Paul calling it illegal and immoral. When asked directly what he thought constituted torture, ...

War with Iran Would Be Madness

President Obama's refusal to rule out military action against Iran and GOP contender Mitt Romney's recent threat of war against Iran should appall anyone who believes, with the free-market liberal Ludwig von Mises, that not war, but peace, is the father of all things. If the U.S. government or its client state Israel were to attack Iran, all hell would break loose. Thousands of Iranians would die. That country's infrastructure would be destroyed, bringing even more death, disease, and misery. And the democratic Iranian Green Movement, which is against foreign intervention, would be destroyed. Iran's government would retaliate by closing down the Strait of Hormuz, through which much oil passes, and launching attacks against American ground and naval forces in the region. In short, disaster would follow a U.S. attack or an Israeli attack which would be seen, quite rationally, as a U.S.-backed operation. What would prompt the military assault? The powers that be, in maneuvers reminiscent of the buildup to ...

Pearl Harbor Was FDR’s Back Door to War

Given that today is the anniversary date of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, we’ll no doubt be treated to standard interventionist articles stating what a great thing World War II was. The American people were overwhelmingly opposed to entry into World War II. That’s not surprising given the consequences of World War I. There was absolutely no reason for the United States to intervene in that war. The Founding Fathers had warned against entry into the never-ending conflicts in Europe. They had also warned about how war is the greatest enemy of liberty, since it provides statists with the maximum opportunity to expand government power over the lives and fortunes of the citizenry. But Wilson and the interventionists were hell-bent on getting involved in the conflict. They were sick and tired of those centuries-old European wars and were determined to use America’s military might and economic strength to bring them to an end, once and for all. The aims of U.S. intervention ...

Ron Paul, Foreign Policy, and the Republican Mainstream

One of the most fascinating aspects of the Ron Paul campaign is the standard reaction of his opponents to Paul’s foreign-policy positions. They say that Paul's libertarian foreign-policy views are outside the Republican mainstream. What is the Republican mainstream view on foreign policy? Here are its essential components: 1. Undeclared wars. 2. Wars of aggression — that is, wars in which the ...

Free Enterprise versus Immigration Socialism

Well, the GOP candidates had all the correct libertarian, free-market mantras out last night: pro-free enterprise, pro-capitalism, pro-free market, pro-private property, pro-fundamental rights, pro-Constitution, anti-socialism, and anti-regulation. And then came immigration, and all those mantras went out the window. It was actually amusing, not only because the candidates didn’t seem aware of the contradiction, but also because neither did the mainstream ...