Search Query: Peace

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You searched for "Peace" and here's what we found ...

Bathing in Irresponsibility

To borrow from Neville Chamberlain, there is peace in our time here in Pennsylvania. Gov. Tom Corbett on June 23 signed into law a bill that bans bath salts, thereby saving us from self-responsibility. The Keystone state is now the 21st state in the country to have a law prohibiting the possession or sale of these products that have been legally sold in head shops and tobacco and convenience stores for about $10. The bath salts in question are synthetic drugs, and reports make these things sound like the second coming of LSD, or maybe they’re just reflecting the same fear-mongering, authoritarian attitude over drug use as was prevalent from the Nixon, Carter, and Reagan eras to the Clinton, Bush, and Obama eras. “If left unchecked, synthetic drugs could have developed into the most dangerous drug crisis since methamphetamine labs found their way into our state,” the governor reportedly said when signing the measure. These particular bath salts “can cause delusional, violent behavior,” ...

Thinking Vertically

The reaction to the Casey Anthony trial in Florida is just more proof of how ignorant so many Americans are about rights, laws, and liberty. Everyone from TV hosts — who should know better — to radio sports talk-show hosts (yes, really) to the normal gang at the coffee shop, all are appalled at a jury who failed to convict the accused of killing her daughter. People who weren’t anywhere near the courtroom “know” that she did it and should pay with her own life. So much for what people know or think they know. The reaction reflects a total disregard for due process. One of the coffeehouse regulars said she wishes our court system followed a model where a person is presumed guilty until he or she proves their innocence. What’s really scary is that this woman used to work for a law firm. This is the same person who has been looking for ways to extend her unemployment, says her ...

Which Republican Candidate Is More Conservative?

Although the next presidential election is more than a year away, campaigning has already begun. With a liberal Democratic incumbent in the White House, Republican candidates are loudly touting their conservative credentials. The battles over which candidate is more conservative are heating up. “I have fought against irresponsible spending while Governor Pawlenty was leaving a multi-billion-dollar budget mess in Minnesota,” said GOP presidential hopeful Michele Bachmann, a member of the U.S. House from Minnesota. Although the Pawlenty campaign claimed there was “very little difference” between the two candidates’ positions, Bachmann’s press secretary countered that there was “very little difference between Governor Pawlenty’s past positions and Barack Obama’s positions on several critical issues facing Americans.” At the recent GOP debate in Iowa, Pawlenty and Bachmann went after each other with even more vigor. (Pawlenty seems to have gotten the worst of it and has since withdrawn from the race.) But whether it is Tim Pawlenty, Michele Bachmann, ...