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Freedom Daily – 2001

January 2001 Lets Retire the Drug War by Jacob G. Hornberger Food, Education, and Health Care by Jacob G. Hornberger The Fundamental Rights of the European Union: Individual Rights or Welfare-State Privileges? Part 1 by Richard M. Ebleing Young People Arent Skeptical Enough by Sheldon Richman Clintons Kosovo Fraud by James Bovard The Second Amendment Protects an Individual Right by Benedict A. LaRosa Morals and the Welfare State, Part 4 by F.A. Harper Book Review Feeling Your Pain: The Explosion and Abuse of Government Power in the Clinton-Gore Years, by James Bovard reviewed by Richard M. Ebeling back to top February 2001 Abolish the Nonessentials by Jacob G. Hornberger The Fundamental Rights of the European Union: Individual Rights or Welfare-State Privileges? Part 2 by Richard M. Ebleing Election Nonsense by Sheldon Richman The ...

Syphilis Experiments and the State-Secrets Doctrine

If I had suggested that the U.S. government had probably done syphilis experimentation on people other than the Tuskegee experiments on unsuspecting American black men, American statists would undoubtedly respond, “Conspiracy theory! Conspiracy theory! It is inconceivable that our government would do such a thing.” What’s interesting about statists, however, is that when it turns out that government officials really did conspire to do horrific things to people, the statists are never surprised. Sure enough, it turns out that federal officials did conspire to commit syphilis experiments, not just at Tuskegee but also on unsuspecting prisoners in Guatemalan jails. The experiments took place in 1948 and just came to light, thanks to a researcher who discovered the experiments in notes kept by one of the federal officials involved in the Tuskegee experiment. The Guatemalan experiments have been kept secret until now — some 64 years later, which confirms that federal officials can be very adept at keeping nefarious federal conspiracies secret. What U.S. ...

The Biggest Threat to National Security

Everyone is finally starting to recognize that the federal government is merrily traveling down the road to national bankruptcy … and is going to take a lot of Americans down with it. The government is spending at least $1 trillion dollars more than what it is taking in … every year, with no end in sight. Everyone knows what happens when people do that on a personal or family basis. If you’re already deeply in debt and you keep spending lots more than what you’re bringing in, there can be only one result at the end of the road — bankruptcy. Well, guess what. In case you haven’t noticed, the federal government is already deeply in debt. In fact, each American, including children, owes an average of some $42,000, which is each person’s share of the federal debt. For a family of four, that amounts to $168,000. Care to pay up your family’s share? Alas, most Americans say, “Well, I’m not going to ...

The Moral Relativism of U.S. Interventionists

Consider this opening paragraph from an article in last Sunday’s edition of theNew York Times: After World War II, American counterintelligence recruited former Gestapo officers, SS veterans and Nazi collaborators to an even greater extent than had been previously disclosed and helped many of them avoid prosecution or looked the other way when they escaped, according to thousands of newly ...

Hornberger’s Blog, February 2011

Monday, February 28, 2011 Jury Nullification Prosecutorial Abuse While the U.S. government was expressing outrage over attacks on freedom of speech at the hands of U.S.-supported dictators in the Middle East, the U.S. Justice Department was securing a federal grand jury indictment against a man named Julian Heicklen. The charge? The feds are charging Heicklen for handing out jury-nullification pamphlets to ...