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You searched for "Peace" and here's what we found ...

Remembering the Constitution

CONSTITUTION DAY — September 17 — came and passed without fanfare. That is the day that commemorates the signing of one of the two most important documents in our nation's history. (The other one, of course, is the Declaration of Independence, which we celebrate on the Fourth of July.) In the midst of a crisis in which Congress has vested Caesar-like powers in the president to wage war against anyone anywhere, in violation of the constitutional protection that prohibits the president from waging war without an express declaration of war from Congress, it is critically important that we remind ourselves of the meaning and purposes of our Constitution. This is especially true given that some public officials are now trying to use the crisis as a way to sacrifice the civil liberties of the American people with “anti-terrorism” legislation. ...

A Republic, If You Can Keep It

AT THE CLOSE OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION, a woman asked Benjamin Franklin what type of government the Constitution was bringing into existence. Franklin replied, “A republic, if you can keep it.” Regardless of one’s judgment concerning the type of government that the Constitution brought into existence in 1787, no one can deny that it was truly the most unusual and radical in history. Consider: With the tragic exception of slavery, the United States was a society in which people could, by and large, engage in any occupation or economic enterprise without a government license, permit, or regulation. Where people could travel anywhere in the world without restriction (no passports) and trade with whomever they pleased without the permission of their government officials. Where people could accumulate ...

The Conservative Descent into Moral Bankruptcy

Nineteen ninety and 1991 were critical years for conservatives, years that accelerated their decades-long descent into moral bankruptcy. The Berlin Wall came down in 1990, signaling the end of the Soviet Empire. The Persian Gulf War ended in 1991. It is impossible to overstate the radical nature of the philosophy that formed the basis for the founding of the United States. That philosophy brought into existence a society in which there was no Social Security, welfare, Medicare, Medicaid, public (i.e., government) school systems, income taxation, drug war, war on poverty, occupational licensure, business regulation, or minimum-wage law. Why, not even any immigration controls! Like I say, a radical philosophy--a philosophy that came to be known as "free enterprise, private property, and limited government." But there was another radical aspect to our Founders' philosophy--no standing army, ...

A Negotiated Surrender for Japan Was Another Alternative

In his Memorial Day article, Harry Trumans A-Bombing of Japan Left Intact Ethics and Law, which was in response to my article, A-Bombings of Japan Were Acts of Cowardice and Criminality, Col. Kevin Winters overlooks the importance of Roosevelts and Trumans demand that the Japanese unconditionally surrender to Allied forces ( As Winters no doubt knows, U.S. intelligence ...

A Negotiated Surrender for Japan Was Another Alternative

In his Memorial Day article, “Harry Truman’s A-Bombing of Japan Left Intact Ethics and Law,” which was in response to my article, “A-Bombings of Japan Were Acts of Cowardice and Criminality,” Col. Kevin Winters overlooks the importance of Roosevelt’s and Truman’s demand that the Japanese “unconditionally surrender” to Allied forces ( As Winters no ...