Search Query: Peace

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You searched for "Peace" and here's what we found ...

Conservative Support of Darth Vader and the Empire

Isn’t it fascinating that so many conservatives steadfastly remain committed to the imperial role that the United States now plays in the world, even while claiming to support the limited-government republic of our forefathers? Hundreds of thousands of imperial troops are stationed on hundreds of military bases in more than 100 countries. Cities and towns all across America live in desperate fear that they might go belly up if their bases are closed and their military welfare were to come to a halt Military personnel retire with fat U.S. taxpayer pensions, only to travel a short distance to accept lucrative positions with military contractors who have been on the generous military dole for generations Arrogant and pretentious

Rebuilding America: Domestic Policy

Almost everything the federal government has touched for the last several decades is in crisis. The war on drugs: failure and destruction. Social Security: fraudulent and bankrupt. Foreign policy: led to 9/11 and massive assaults on civil liberties. Medicare and Medicaid: caused health-care costs to soar. Education: public schooling is worse than ever. Monetary policy: a plunging dollar in international markets. Federal spending: out of control. Thus, it is rather ironic that U.S. officials are committed to invading and rebuilding foreign countries. Ironic not only because theyve made such a mess of just about everything theyve touched in the United States but also because they havent even done a very good job overseeing the management of our nations capital, Washington, D.C., one of the least safe cities in America. Unfortunately, it doesnt really matter whos in charge the Republicans or the Democrats because the results ...

Hornberger’s Blog, April 2004

Friday, April 30, 2004 Two responses to my article “Is Fox News Supporting the Troops or the President?” and my rejoinders to these responses have been posted on’s “Backtalk”: Kari Mencik: “This is the most irresponsible article I’ve read….” Jacob Hornberger: “Speaking of Berlin and Germany, let’s not forget the “liberation” and occupation….” *** Rachel Bass: “This man claims that you cannot support both the troops and the President. He claims that we are no longer fighting for freedom because Saddam has been caught! Does this man pay attention to the news? We are not occupying the Middle East to merely throw our weight around…. I am a member of the United States Army….” Jacob Hornberger: “….The real truth, which Bass and so many other American ...

Preface to The Failure of America’s Foreign Wars

The following is the preface to The Failure of America’s Foreign Wars, published by The Future of Freedom Foundation in 1996. For over one hundred years, the American way of life was unique: no income taxation, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, public schooling, economic regulations, or welfare. Except for allowing slavery, government’s role was primarily limited to protecting people from ...