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You searched for "Peace" and here's what we found ...

The Troops Don’t Defend Our Freedoms

How often do we hear the claim that American troops “defend our freedoms”? The claim is made often by U.S. officials and is echoed far and wide across the land by television commentators, newspaper columnists, public-school teachers, and many others. It’s even a common assertion that emanates on Sundays from many church pulpits. Unfortunately, it just isn’t so. In fact, the situation is the exact opposite — the troops serve as the primary instrument by which both our freedoms and well-being are threatened. Let’s examine the three potential threats to our freedoms and the role that the troops play in them: 1. Foreign regimes Every competent military analyst would tell us that the threat of a foreign invasion and conquest ...

Hornberger’s Blog, September 2005

Friday, September 30, 2005 Over the Pentagon’s objections, a federal district judge has ordered the release of Abu Ghraib photographs and videotapes that the Pentagon has been keeping secret from the American people. U.S. Senators who have viewed the material expressed shock and disgust at what they saw, which is saying a lot. The government claims that disclosure of the materials will incite terrorist actions against Americans. What? Wait a minute! I thought the government’s position was that terrorists hate America for its “freedom and values,” not because of the many wrongful acts committed by the U.S. government against people in the Middle East. Well, given the government’s new position that such wrongful acts as torture, sex abuse, rape, sodomy, and murder have a tendency to get foreigners angry ...

Hornberger’s Blog, July 2005

Saturday, July 30, 2005 I wonder if Martha Stewart, whom the feds convicted and punished for lying to a federal bureaucrat even though she wasn’t under oath at the time she supposedly lied, noticed the latest news about President Bush’s nominee to be the U.S. ambassador to the UN, John Bolton. In conjunction with his ratification hearings, Bolton was asked in an official U.S. Senate questionnaire whether he had ever been interviewed by investigators in any inquiry during the past five years. He answered in the negative. The problem? Bolton had been interviewed in an inquiry during the past five years. In other words, his statement in an official U.S. Senate questionnaire involving official federal business was false. In fact, as U.S. officials are now acknowledging, Bolton was interviewed by the State Department inspector general in conjunction with the infamous CIA-Niger-Iraq ...

Oklahoma City and 9/11

The Oklahoma City bombing 10 years ago holds an important lesson regarding the 9/11 attacks. It is a lesson about terrorist motivation and the consequences of U.S. government policy. After the Oklahoma City bombing, U.S. officials immediately discouraged discussion about Timothy McVeigh’s motivation for committing his terrorist attack. Whenever someone pointed out that McVeigh bombed the federal building in retaliation ...