Search Query: Peace

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You searched for "Peace" and here's what we found ...

Iraqis Are Ingrates

Poor President Bush. According to the New York Times, the president is frustrated by the lack of public support ... in Iraq. Apparently hes lamenting that thousands of Iraqis were recently demonstrating in the streets in favor of Hezbollah and chanting, Death to Israel! Death to America! Those darned ungrateful Iraqis. Dont they know that the brutal sanctions that U.S. officials employed against them for more than a decade was for their benefit? So what if they lost hundreds of thousands of their children? Cant they see that those deaths were worth it because U.S. officials were trying to oust their brutal dictator, Saddam Hussein, from office? Ingrates! Dont those people know that we even supported their ruler, Saddam Hussein, in his war against the Iranian ...

Hornberger’s Blog, August 2006

Thursday, August 31, 2006 Obviously becoming more desperate given the ever-increasing degeneration of the situation in Iraq and the ever-increasing defections among previously pro-war and pro-occupation GOP congressional candidates, Vice President Dick Cheney has compared the Saddam Hussein regime and the “terrorists” in Iraq to the Adolf Hitler regime. Unfortunately, Cheney misses an important point. In World War II, Germany was the aggressor nation and the U.S. was the defending nation while in the Iraq War the U.S. is the aggressor nation and Iraq is the defending nation. Of course, Germany claimed to be the defending nation, given the terrorist attack on the German Reichstag and the purported attack by Polish troops on German troops at the Polish-German border, but everyone now knows that those excuses were fake and false. While the U.S. used the terrorist attack on 9/11 and the purported imminent nuclear, biological, and chemical attack by Saddam Hussein on the U.S. as the excuse to attack Iraq, everyone ...

The Moral Rot of Middle East Intervention

Of one thing we can be certain after decades of the U.S. governments interventionist foreign policy in the Middle East: it has not brought peace to that part of the world. Another thing we can be certain of: the federal governments interventionist foreign policy is at the center of the moral rot that pervades the U.S. Empire. The Associated Press recently reported, President Bush has ordered helicopters and ships to Lebanon to provide humanitarian aid, but he still opposes an immediate cease-fire that could give relief from a 13-day-old Israeli bombing campaign. We should keep in mind that much of the weaponry for the Israeli governments bombing campaign has been provided by the U.S. taxpayer, compliments of the ...