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Apply the Free Market to Drugs and Immigration

Apply the Free Market to Drugs and Immigration by Jacob G. Hornberger While recently appearing as a guest on a radio talk show on the subject of immigration, a listener called to say, “We already have open borders in this country, as evidenced by the 13 million illegal aliens living here in the United States.” What he’s referring to, of course, is the black market, not legally functioning open borders. Consider, for example, the war on drugs. During the past 40 years that this federal war has been waged, there have been those who have proclaimed, “The problem is that the drug laws are simply not being enforced. We’ve got to crack down in order to finally win the war on drugs.” But the fact is that there have been increasing crackdowns in the war on drugs during the past four decades. For example, there have been ever-increasing military attacks on drug gangs in Mexico and in the United States such measures as mandatory ...

Hornberger’s Blog, April 2008

Wednesday, April 30, 2008 The Heroes at Guantanamo by Jacob G. Hornberger Just as Eastern European and Russian dissidents who opposed the Soviet Empire’s tyrannical system are today celebrated as heroes, so it will be with those Americans who have opposed the Pentagon’s system at Guantanamo Bay. Among the heroes will be Air Force Col. Morris Davis, who formerly served as the Defense Department’s chief prosecutor for terrorism cases. This week Davis took the witness stand under oath in a hearing at Guantanamo Bay involving Salim Ahmed Hamdan, an alleged driver for Osama bin Laden. Davis’s sworn testimony exposed how the Pentagon’s “judicial” system at Gitmo is nothing but an elaborate sham that has nothing to do with justice. According to the Washington Post, Davis’s testimony “offered a harsh insider's critique of how senior political officials have allegedly influenced the system created to try suspected terrorists outside existing military and civilian courts…. Davis told Navy Capt. Keith J. Allred, who presided over the ...

Government-Made Crises

A fascinating aspect of government intervention is how it induces people (1) to get embroiled in the crisis environment that the intervention produces, and (2) to feel a vested interest in coming up with a solution to the crisis. Consider price controls, an intervention that governments traditionally turn to in response to their own debasement of the currency. As prices rise in response to monetary debasement, people begin screaming at businesses for raising their prices, not realizing that rising prices are in reality just a reflection of the falling value of the dollar due to government’s inflation of the money supply. Responding to the screams, government officials make it illegal for businesses to raise their prices. Yet, inevitably, there are those businesses that violate the law, if for no other reason than to simply survive. ...

Pakistan Demonstrates the Wisdom of America’s Founding Fathers

Pakistan Demonstrates the Wisdom of America’s Founding Fathers by Jacob G. Hornberger The situation in Pakistan provides another good reason why the American people should put a stop to the U.S. government’s meddling in the affairs of other countries. For years, U.S. officials have had a close, working partnership with Pakistan’s president Pervez Musharraf, which has included the delivery to him of ...

Hornberger’s Blog, October 2007

Wednesday, October 31, 2007 Federal Blackmail, Privacy, and Conformity by Jacob G. Hornberger In today’s FFF Email Update, I have an article about the federal war on telephone privacy, the government program in which certain telephone companies allegedly turned over people’s private telephone records to the feds. A common bromide among some Americans is: “I don’t care what information about my telephone ...

Hornberger’s Blog, June 2007

Friday, June 29, 2007 Separate School & State Thanks to yesterday’s Supreme Court ruling in a government-school desegregation case, public-school supporters are now heavily embroiled in the latest debate on how to run the government schools. Yawn! Another “crisis,” just like in the drug war, immigration, Iraq, Social Security, Medicare, etc. etc. etc. It’s all so sad. Americans have been banging their ...