Search Query: Peace

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You searched for "Peace" and here's what we found ...

Want More Terrorism and Big Government? Continue the Occupations.

Last Friday’s FFF Email Update linked to my September 2008 Freedom Daily article entitled “Seven Years of Darkness, Tyranny, and Oppression.” On that same day, my daily blog post was entitled “Afghanistan and Big Government.” The point of both articles was to show how U.S. foreign policy is at the root of foreign anger and hatred against the United States, manifesting itself in the form of terrorist blowback. That blowback threat has been used as the excuse to infringe on civil liberties, to expand the size and scope of federal power, and to spend ever-increasing sums of taxpayer money. Yesterday’s Washington Post provided an example of how this process works: “U.S. troops stormed the house of a former army officer Saturday in northern Iraq, killing the man and his wife, wounding their 8-year-old daughter and unleashing ...

Want More Terrorism and Big Government? Continue the Occupations.

Last Friday’s FFF Email Update linked to my September 2008 Freedom Daily article entitled “Seven Years of Darkness, Tyranny, and Oppression.” On that same day, my daily blog post was entitled “Afghanistan and Big Government.” The point of both articles was to show how U.S. foreign policy is at the root of foreign anger and hatred against the United States, manifesting itself in the form of terrorist blowback. That blowback threat has been used as the excuse to infringe on civil liberties, to expand the size and scope of federal power, and to spend ever-increasing sums of taxpayer money. Yesterday’s Washington Post provided an example of how this process works: “U.S. troops stormed the house of a former army officer Saturday in northern Iraq, killing the man and his wife, wounding their 8-year-old daughter and unleashing anger among residents at tactics ...

Libertarianism Is the Solution to America’s Woes

With the Bush administration behind us and with the advent of the Obama regime, conservatives are despondent and depressed while liberals are aglow with hope and optimism. Actually both sides might have their feelings misplaced, as Obama might well turn out to be as much like Bush as Bush was like Clinton. What’s important for libertarians to keep in mind in the coming four years is that our philosophy is not about how to reform or improve the statism that conservatives and liberals foist upon our nation. Our philosophy entails an alternative paradigm, one that is based on restoring individual freedom, free markets, private property, and limited government to our land. As most everyone would agree, things are bad in America, both in terms of individual freedom and economic prosperity. Freedom and prosperity are getting squeezed by federal policies in both the foreign-policy and domestic-policy arenas. The ...