Search Query: Peace

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You searched for "Peace" and here's what we found ...

The U.S. Invasion of the Vatican

Suppose President Obama expressed disapproval with the Vatican’s method of electing the Pope. It’s not democratic enough, the president says. Why should a small group of Catholic cardinals be the only voters? Why shouldn’t all Catholics get to vote for the Pope? Isn’t that what democracy is all about? Obama demands that the Vatican open the vote to all Catholics. The Vatican responds that its method of electing the Pope is none of the U.S. government’s business. Butt out, the Pope tells Obama. Obama orders a U.S. invasion of Vatican City, with the express aim of spreading democracy to that part of the world. The troops are ordered to mobilize and prepare for the invasion. The Vatican condemns the coming war of aggression, pointing out that it violates the UN Charter and the principles set forth at Nuremberg. He also points out that ...

Hornberger’s Blog, November 2009

Monday, November 30, 2009 The U.S. Government Is Taking Us Down by Jacob G. Hornberger President Obama has decided to up the ante in Afghanistan by acceding to his generals request to send an additional 34,000 troops to that beleaguered nation. What better proof that those of us who opposed the initial invasion of Afghanistan were right? The decision to treat the 9/11 attacks as a military problem, rather than a criminal-justice one, has turned out to be one unmitigated disaster, a disaster that seemingly has no end. After all, the occupation has now been going on for 8 years. Eight years of bombs, shootings, killing, maiming, secret prisons, arbitrary arrests, torture, indefinite incarcerations, and unrestrained power to search and seize. And eight years of unrestrained spending on armaments, soldiers, and weaponry. Where has it gotten ...

The Unreal World of Liberals

One of the fascinating things about liberals is how they create their own false realities and then simply ignore or block out of their minds facts that conflict with that reality. We have witnessed this phenomenon, big time, during the housing and banking crises. The crises were the fault of the free market, the liberals claim, because as everyone “knows,” America has a “free-enterprise” system, one that has once again failed. And what about the fact that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which were at the core of the crisis, were government-created institutions, both of which had the implicit guarantee of the federal government? What about the mortgage regulations that forced lenders to make risky loans? What about the Federal Reserve’s artificially low interest rates that blew air into the housing bubble? What about the plethora of federal agencies that regulate the banking and lending industries?