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You searched for "Peace" and here's what we found ...

Cutting Taxes Is Selfish

Washington is a land of grand farce. People here routinely say things that no one believes, not even the person saying it. They do things they know are absurd. They can't help it. To stop is to confess what cannot be confessed: that the political enterprise is just a big con game. A classic example of what I mean took place a few months ago. There is talk in Washington of cutting the estate tax, which is more aptly dubbed the "death tax." Congressional Republicans are pushing the idea, and President Clinton has expressed some interest. But Deputy Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers criticized people who want to cut the tax. What he said was, "When it comes to the estate tax, there is no case other than selfishness." Ouch! ...

Freedom Is the Best Insurance against Terrorism

In the wake of the possible sabotage of TWA flight 800 and the bombing at the Olympics, President Clinton did what politicians always do at times like these: he grabbed for more power. If that has a feeling of déjà vu to it, it should. Shortly after the blast at the federal building at Oklahoma City, Clinton asked Congress to pass a so-called counterterrorism bill. Congress obliged, giving the president the power, among other things, to deport aliens with secret evidence in the tradition of the old Star Chamber. But he didn't get all the power he wanted. What he especially wanted was expanded authority to wiretap our telephones. Considering that the administration is already increasing wiretaps on Americans by more than 30 percent a year, one shudders to think what ...

Freedom, Not Growth

All politicians favor economic growth. They all promise to create jobs and "grow the economy." That is a vintage Republican issue, but the Democrats aren't dummies. Many of them have learned that the old appeal to class warfare and other quasi-Marxist themes are passé. They too have thrown themselves onto the growth bandwagon. Bill Clinton's so-called New Democrats can take credit for grafting the rhetoric of growth to the policies of big government. Hence, Clinton can both declare that "the era of big government is over" and propose an increase in the minimum wage and myriad other interventions in the economy. This may come as a shock to Republicans and Democrats alike, but growth should be of no concern to the government. The idea that the state is the steward of the economy is an intrinsically statist idea. In ...