Search Query: Peace

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You searched for "Peace" and here's what we found ...

Covering the Map of the World — The Half-Century Legacy of the Yalta Conference, Part 3

The Yalta meeting was the culmination of the wartime conferences between Churchill, Stalin, and Roosevelt. Both Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt placed a high value on personal diplomacy. Churchill believed in the "great man" theory of history. As John Charmley has recently expressed it in his biographyChurchill: The End of Glory (1993), Churchill believed that "such men could be recognized by the mark they made on their own and subsequent ages, and knowing himself to be one, Churchill enjoyed making contact with others of the same species." He had used personal diplomacy with great effect in his relationship with FDR, first in establishing a stream of war material from America under Lend-Lease and then obtaining American participation in the war against Nazi Germany. While deeply suspicious of communism and the Soviet Union, Churchill believed that a similar personal relationship could work with Stalin — in getting the Soviet leader to work with him in determining the political settlement that would ...

Covering the Map of the World The Half-Century Legacy of the Yalta Conference, Part 3

The Yalta meeting was the culmination of the wartime conferences between Churchill, Stalin, and Roosevelt. Both Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt placed a high value on personal diplomacy. Churchill believed in the "great man" theory of history. As John Charmley has recently expressed it in his biographyChurchill: The End of Glory (1993), Churchill believed that "such men could be recognized by the mark they made on their own and subsequent ages, and knowing himself to be one, Churchill enjoyed making contact with others of the same species." He had used personal diplomacy with great effect in his relationship with FDR, first in establishing a stream of war material from America under Lend-Lease and then obtaining American participation in the war against Nazi Germany. While deeply suspicious of communism and the Soviet Union, Churchill believed that a similar personal relationship could work with Stalin in getting the ...

The Future of Freedom-Retrospect and Prospects, Part 1

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 With the approaching end of 1994, The Future of Freedom Foundation is celebrating its fifth anniversary. For a half-decade, Jacob Hornberger and I, and the other authors who have contributed essays for Freedom Daily, have attempted to make the ethical and economic case for individual liberty and the market economy. In our published articles and spoken addresses, we have tried to present the principled argument for freedom on a wide variety of economic and social issues, as well as on a number of domestic and international topics. During these five years, I found that one of the most frequently heard comments during discussions with people has been: "How can we turn this situation around? Haven't we moved too far ...