Search Query: Peace

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You searched for "Peace" and here's what we found ...

The Second Anniversary of Bush’s Worst Bosh

Two years ago last month, Bush gave his second inaugural address. As I watched the speech on television, I and perhaps millions of other Americans struggled to answer the obvious question about the speech: Is it puerile or is it merely tripe? Bush was hailed throughout the greater Washington metropolitan area for a speech that invoked freedom and liberty almost 50 times. The Washington Post headlined its report on the spiel, “An Ambitious President Advances His Idealism.” The Council on Foreign Relations’s Max Boot cheered that Bush “is signaling basically victory or bust ... no backing down.” Liberal columnist Andrew Sullivan swooned, “Who could disagree with the stirring, elegant and somewhat sweeping address the president just gave?” Bill Kristol, editor of the Weekly Standard, gushed that the speech was “powerful,” “subtle,” ...

Hungary’s New Lesson for America

This past October was the 50th anniversary of the Hungarian uprising against the Soviet military. Hungarians bravely expelled Soviet tanks from Budapest and trumpeted their intention to create a democracy. But the Soviets returned with almost 5,000 tanks, killing thousands of Hungarians and re-fettering 10 million people into servitude to Moscow. But at least Hungarians had the gumption to stand up and bleed to try to cast off tyranny. They set an example that inspired people throughout Eastern Europe and around the world in the following decades. (Many Hungarians died because they believed the bogus promises of Radio Free Europe broadcasters who claimed that Western military forces were on the way to help them.) The Hungarians and other Eastern Europeans suffered far more under Soviet rule than most ...

The Bush Torture Memos

President Bush is proposing to medievalize the American legal code by permitting the use of coerced confessions in judicial proceedings. This is one of the most stunning proposals in U.S. political life since Franklin Roosevelt banned private ownership of gold in 1933. It is vital for Americans to understand the thinking that led the government to this effort to legalize barbaric treatment. After 9/11, many Bush administration officials seemed determined to use any and every means to bludgeon people suspected of terrorism or terrorist intent. Two memos one from the Justice Department and the other from the Pentagon illustrate how the administration persuaded itself that it was entitled to do evil in the name of the greater good. In June 2004, Americans learned of a memo written by the Justice Department Office of ...