Search Query: Peace

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Leave Bill Bennett Alone

Public revelations of former drug czar William J. Bennetts penchant for high-stakes gambling has produced immediate reform for the Book of Virtues author: It is true that I have gambled large sums of money.... I have done too much gambling, and this is not an example I wish to set. Therefore, my gambling days are over. It is very tempting and it would be very easy to bash Bill Bennett mercilessly for being a hypocrite. After all, he has built a career of national prominence on his alleged moral stature and on his great pontifications on the necessity of virtuous behavior, even while losing $8 million in the last 10 years to satisfy his craving to gamble. It is also tempting to skewer Bennetts many allies on the political right who are either flocking to ...

True Internationalism

Speaking to a Georgetown University audience on January 23, Sen. John Kerry of Massachsuetts, one of six Democratic hopefuls for the presidential nomination, called for a “bold, progressive internationalism” to combat terrorism against the United States. “What America needs today is a smarter, more comprehensive and farsighted strategy for modernizing the Middle East,” he said, making use of “all of our nation’s strengths: military might, the world’s largest economy, the immense moral prestige of freedom and democracy, and our powerful alliances.” In an attempt to explain the reasons for terrorism against the United States, he blamed a “combination of political repression, economic stagnation, population growth and lack of education” for having created “an explosive mix” of “hostility to the West,” reported the Washington Times. Senator Kerry couldn’t be more wrong. The United States does not need its military, its large economy, its alleged “moral prestige,” or any of its “powerful alliances” to restore a peaceful relationship with the people of the Middle ...

Immigration Controls Are Bad for the Economy — And for Freedom

At the risk of uttering a terrible cliché, America is a land of immigrants. The 13 British colonies that flourished on the Atlantic coast could not have existed were it not for brave men and women willing to start life anew in a strange land. These people came for many reasons; some wished to escape religious and political persecution; some to build a fortune. Whatever their motivation, America quickly became a land that welcomed all who wished to settle and prosper here. Throughout our history, most people have recognized the benefits brought to our shores by immigration. It goes without saying that from the Industrial Revolution to the transatlantic railroad to Silicon Valley, Americans would not enjoy the wealth they have today without the contributions of the immigrant. That understanding of the role of immigration (and the corresponding free trade that accompanies any open-border ...

The Bogus Anti-Terrorist Crackdown on Financial Freedom

In the post–9/11 era, federal officials are treating cash as they would a suspected weapon of mass destruction. They have created legions of new restrictions and reporting requirements for citizens’ money. But the new controls have done nothing to make Washington any more competent at protecting Americans from real threats. Federal experts estimated that Mohamed Atta and the other 18 ...