Search Query: Peace

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You searched for "Peace" and here's what we found ...

Gun Control: A Historical Perspective, Part 1

Part 1 | Part 2 Gun control is an issue which never stands on its own. By this I mean that the motives behind it are rarely those expressed by its advocates. There is almost always a hidden agenda. On rare occasion, those proposing the confiscation of weapons are candid about their motives. Such was the case in Japan in 1588 when the Shogun Hideyoshi disarmed the populace during what came to be called the Great Sword Hunt. He decreed: "The possession of unnecessary implements makes difficult the collection of taxes and dues, and tends to foment uprisings." The motivation behind gun control is much the same today; it's just that our politicians are not as candid as Hideyoshi. The Japanese ...

Book Review: The Bush Betrayal

The Bush Betrayal by James Bovard (Palgrave Macmillan, 2004); 336 pages; $26.95. The reelection of George Walker Bush rubs too much like the gruesome aftermath of a hit and run made bearable only by our instinctual ability to self-medicate in numbness. For a first-stage coping mechanism just ask the Sopranos psychiatrist it works. For a long-term political strategy, however, its nothing short of disastrous. So now, faced with the prospect of another four years under President Bush rule, the opposition faces a do-or-die challenge to break the Sirens song of big government with a clear clarion call for liberty. And it starts in the same place as it did in the last major social revolution: with a massive effort in public education. James Bovards latest book, The Bush Betrayal, could be the start. I know of no better way to prepare ourselves for the coming administration than to read some ...

The Only Real Revolution

Happily for America, happily we trust for the whole human race, they pursued a new and more noble course. They accomplished a revolution that has no parallel in the annals of human society. . . . In Europe, charters of liberty have been granted by power. America has set the example . . . of charters of power granted by liberty. James Madison Throughout history, small groups of men with political power have controlled the masses of men by force. On every continent, stretching back through the centuries, the pattern was essentially the same — a pharaoh, king, emperor or dictator had ultimate control over the lives and fortunes of his subservient followers. The underlings were taught that their proper role was to serve those in power. Whatever small freedoms the common ...