Search Query: Peace

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Speaker Spotlight: Ivan Eland and Tom DiLorenzo

Another quick speaker spotlight for our big June 1-4 conference Restoring the Republic: Foreign Policy and Civil Liberties in Reston, Virginia. Two of our Saturday speakers at the conference will be Ivan Eland and Tom DiLorenzo. Ivan is senior fellow and director of the Center on Peace and Liberty at the Independent Institute, which has taken a leading role in the area of economic liberties, foreign policy, and civil liberties. Not only is Ivan among the most insightful foreign-policy analysts in the country, he has a unique ability to synthesize libertarian principles in his analyses and make them easily readable to the general public. Thats why his articles have been widely published in such publications as the Los Angeles Times, USA Today, Washington Post, Newsday, and Washington Times. Tom DiLorenzo is professor of economics at Loyola University, but hell be speaking about Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War, a subject on which he has written two books and innumerable articles. A longtime ...

Pickens Plan Is Based on Ignorance

Can a person be a good businessman but a lousy economist? Yes. Take T. Boone Pickens, for example. Hes all over television touting his plan for wind power as a substitute for foreign oil, a plan that calls for massive government subsidies. This should immediately make us suspicious. If wind is so good, why does it need subsidies? In trying to sell the American people on the plan, Pickens either displays his ignorance of elementary economics or hes counting on the ignorance of his viewers. How else to explain this statement about oil imports: Over 700 billion dollars are leaving this country to foreign nations every year. The largest transfer of wealth in the history of mankind. Whats wrong with this statement? The first problem is that it focuses on only one side of a series of transactions. Judging by this statement, you wouldnt know that Pickens is talking about transactions at all. He conjures up images of wealth pouring out ...

Clinton and Obama Struggle for Power

Many Americans are spellbound by the historic contest for the Democratic presidential nomination between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. Forgetting the political context, it is indeed something spectacular, even inspiring. A woman and a black man have reached a pinnacle that just a few years ago seemed impossibly far off. If it were happening outside politics, it would be something to appreciate. But we cant forget the political context, and its the nature of that context that should keep us from truly rejoicing in Clintons and Obamas achievements. When we strip away from the process they are engaged in the democratic mythology and red, white, and blue bunting, we are left with the spectacle of two people vying for raw power. They say they want to lead and inspire. What they really want to do is rule us. This is a contest to determine who will decide how to spend a significant part of our incomes, who will make war or peace, and ...

Guantánamo and Yemen: Obama Capitulates to Critics and Suspends Prisoner Transfers

For the last 12 days, since Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab slipped through every security net going, and allegedly tried and failed to blow up Northwest Airlines Flight 253 from Amsterdam to Detroit, Republican critics of Barack Obama have tried every trick in the book to undermine the president’s authority, with former Vice President Dick Cheney claiming that the incident demonstrated ...