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Some Real Reaching Out

With President George W. Bush having now taken office, theres a lot of talk about his reaching out to the opposition. The logic is this: the presidential race was so close that Bush owes some consideration to the people who voted for Al Gore. Naturally, that means embracing major parts of the Democrats legislative agenda. This is noteworthy for a couple of reasons. First, much of Bushs campaign was (unfortunately) already an exercise in reaching out. True, he campaigned for an across-the-board income tax-rate cut. He also pushed partial privatization of Social Security. On the other hand, he did not call for a reduction in the federal budget. On the contrary, he would increase current spending and add billions in new spending. One of his costly ideas is to pay for the ...

An Important Message to Our Friends and Supporters

To: FFF Friends and Supporters From: Jacob G. Hornberger President The Future of Freedom Foundation 11350 Random Hills Road Suite 800 Fairfax, VA 22030 Tel: (703) 934-6101 Fax: (703) 352-8678 Dear Friends and Supporters of FFF: Im writing to give you an update on all the good things that are happening at The Future of Freedom Foundation and to seek your support for them. As you know, ideas have consequences. They have power. They move people. That is why totalitarian dictators have always tried to control the dissemination of ideas. They know that ideas influence people to action. They have the potential to change the course of an entire nation. Our mission has always been to provide an uncompromising moral, philosophical, and economic case for individual freedom, free markets, private property, and limited government. Our goal is to use the power of these uncompromising ideas on freedom to move America away from the socialist and interventionist paradigm that has held our nation in its grip for so long and toward ...

The Bush Betrayal

As we defend liberty and justice abroad, we must always honor those values here at home. George W. Bush, October 28, 2003 George W. Bush came to the presidency promising prosperity, peace, and humility. Instead, Bush has spawned record federal budget deficits, launched an unnecessary war, and made America the most hated nation in the world. Bush is expanding federal power and stretching prerogatives in almost every area that captures his fancy. Though Bush continually invokes freedom to sanctify himself and his policies, Bush freedom is based on boundless trust in the righteousness of the rulers and all their actions. Truth is a lagging indicator in politics. A presidents promises and speeches receive far more publicity than subsequent reports and revelations about how his cherished programs crash and burn. This book does not aim to analyze all Bush policies. Instead, it examines an array of his domestic and foreign actions that vivify the damage Bush is inflicting and ...