Search Query: Peace

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You searched for "Peace" and here's what we found ...

The Choir is Key!

Dear Friend of FFF, We need your end-of-year financial support more than ever! With the U.S. mired in the quicksand of Iraq, with out-of-control federal expenditures causing the dollar to plunge in international markets, and with civil liberties of the American people under the greatest federal assault in our lifetime, the question naturally arises: What can we do to restore American society to a model of freedom, peace, prosperity, and harmony in the world? The answer lies with you, as I explain in my December Freedom Daily article The Choir Is the Key, which we link to in todays FFF Email Update. As federal crises soar in magnitude over the next two years, the importance of the libertarian choir will rise, as the American people increasingly look for viable and practical solutions out of the federal crises. But the choir needs ideas on freedom in its arsenal in order to prevail. Thats where FFF comes in. We provide the intellectual ammunition with ideas on ...

The Choir is Key!

Dear Friend of FFF, We need your end-of-year financial support more than ever! With the U.S. mired in the quicksand of Iraq, with out-of-control federal expenditures causing the dollar to plunge in international markets, and with civil liberties of the American people under the greatest federal assault in our lifetime, the question naturally arises: What can we do to restore American society to a model of freedom, peace, prosperity, and harmony in the world? The answer lies with you, as I explain in my December Freedom Daily article The Choir Is the Key, which we link to in todays FFF Email Update. As federal crises soar in magnitude over the next two years, the importance of the libertarian choir will rise, as the American people increasingly look for viable and practical solutions out of the federal crises. But the choir needs ideas on freedom in its arsenal in order to prevail. Thats where ...

Freedom Daily – 2007

January 2007 To receive your personal copy of Freedom Daily, subscribe to our print version ($25 per year) or our email version ($15 per year). Empire or Republic by Jacob G. Hornberger Democracy and Government Schools by Sheldon Richman Hungary's New Lesson for America by James Bovard Soft-Hearted Economists Need Clear Heads by Bart Frazier Executive Orders and the Decline of Law, Part 1 by William L. Anderson Inflation Is Legalized Robbery, Part 2 by Gregory Bresiger The Myth of War Prosperity, Part 2 by Anthony Gregory back to top February 2007 To receive your personal copy of Freedom Daily, subscribe to our print version ($25 per year) or our email version ($15 per year). Tyranny and the Military Commissions Act by Jacob G. ...