Search Query: Peace

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You searched for "Peace" and here's what we found ...

Ethnic Cleansing, American-Style

The United States government intervened earlier this year in a civil war in Yugoslavia. President Clinton and other Western leaders justified the NATO bombing by the crackdowns that Serbian forces had conducted on Kosovar Albanian rebels and civilians. However, prior to the onset of NATO bombing, the actions of the Serbian forces were more moderate than were the actions of the Northern armies during our own Civil War. Once the NATO bombing began, Serbian persecution and atrocities and NATO bombs provoked a massive exodus from Kosovo. In order to put the Yugoslavian civil war in perspective, it is helpful to recall the brutality of the conduct of our own federal government during the War between the States. In his Memorial Day address, Clinton declared that "we are standing against ethnic cleansing with our wonderful, myriad, rainbow, ...

Why Does Buchanan Scare Them?

The hysterical reaction to Pat Buchanan's presidential bid is highly revealing. It says little about Buchanan but much about his critics. There is much in Buchanan's platform to object to, but it plays a small role in understanding the criticism. Buchanan is, to be sure, a protectionist. He falls for all the hoary protectionist fallacies that have long been exploded. He thinks free trade creates permanent unemployment and depresses wages. He fails to realize that experience is entirely consistent with free-trade theory. His blindness is most obvious when he looks at the development of the United States. He sees tariffs on foreign goods and unprecedented economic progress, and concludes that the first caused the second. He attaches little or no weight to the fact that the United States has been a large and growing free-trade zone, in which goods and labor could move unmolested by governments. Thus the barriers to external trade have kept the American people from getting even richer ...

Why Does Buchanan Scare Them?

The hysterical reaction to Pat Buchanan's presidential bid is highly revealing. It says little about Buchanan but much about his critics. There is much in Buchanan's platform to object to, but it plays a small role in understanding the criticism. Buchanan is, to be sure, a protectionist. He falls for all the hoary protectionist fallacies that have long been exploded. He thinks free trade creates permanent unemployment and depresses wages. He fails to realize that experience is entirely consistent with free-trade theory. His blindness is most obvious when he looks at the development of the United States. He sees tariffs on foreign goods and unprecedented economic progress, and concludes that the first caused the second. He attaches little or no weight to the fact that the United ...