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Freedom Daily – 1994

January 1994 The Real Free-Market Approach to Health Care, Part 1 by Jacob G. Hornberger National Health Insurance and the Welfare State, Part 1 by Richard M. Ebeling Clintons Health-Care Plan for You: Cradle-to-Grave Slavery, Part 1 by Jarret B. Wollstein The Case against Medical Licensing by Lawrence D. Wilson A Freedom Daily Classic Reprint: Medical Licensure by Milton Friedman Book ReviewGrassroots Tyranny: The Limits of Federalism by Richard M. Ebeling To receive your personal copy of Freedom Daily, subscribe to our print version ($25 per year) or our email version ($15 per year). February 1994 The Real Free-Market Approach to Health Care, Part 2 by Jacob G. Hornberger National Health Insurance and the Welfare State, Part 2 by Richard M. Ebeling Clintons Health-Care Plan for You: Cradle-to-Grave Slavery, Part 2 by Jarret B. Wollstein Free Medicine by William Dale The Confusion over Rights by D.T. Armentano Health Care Reform vs. the Founders by David B. Rivkind Jr A Freedom Daily Classic Reprint: The Right to Health by Thomas S. ...

The Future of Freedom-Retrospect and Prospects, Part 1

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 With the approaching end of 1994, The Future of Freedom Foundation is celebrating its fifth anniversary. For a half-decade, Jacob Hornberger and I, and the other authors who have contributed essays for Freedom Daily, have attempted to make the ethical and economic case for individual liberty and the market economy. In our published articles and spoken addresses, we have tried to present the principled argument for freedom on a wide variety of economic and social issues, as well as on a number of domestic and international topics. During these five years, I found that one of the most frequently heard comments during discussions with people has been: "How can we turn this situation around? Haven't we moved too far down the socialist or welfare-statist road to bring about a reversal? The interventionists and coercive redistributors just have too much political power and emotional appeal for us to ever succeed ...

The Future of Freedom-Retrospect and Prospects, Part 1

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 With the approaching end of 1994, The Future of Freedom Foundation is celebrating its fifth anniversary. For a half-decade, Jacob Hornberger and I, and the other authors who have contributed essays for Freedom Daily, have attempted to make the ethical and economic case for individual liberty and the market economy. In our published articles and spoken addresses, we have tried to present the principled argument for freedom on a wide variety of economic and social issues, as well as on a number of domestic and international topics. During these five years, I found that one of the most frequently heard comments during discussions with people has been: "How can we turn this situation around? Haven't we moved too far ...

Freedom Daily – 2001

January 2001 Lets Retire the Drug War by Jacob G. Hornberger Food, Education, and Health Care by Jacob G. Hornberger The Fundamental Rights of the European Union: Individual Rights or Welfare-State Privileges? Part 1 by Richard M. Ebleing Young People Arent Skeptical Enough by Sheldon Richman Clintons Kosovo Fraud by James Bovard The Second Amendment Protects an Individual Right by Benedict A. LaRosa Morals and ...