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You searched for "Peace" and here's what we found ...

The Legacy of Milton Friedman, Part 1

Part 1 | Part 2 It has been more than a year since Milton Friedman passed from our lives. What a world he departed. The desire for liberty burns ever brightly. The forces of statism resist ever strongly. How we miss his presence. Although he has left us, his ideas live on. They remain eternally relevant to the age-old struggle to preserve individual liberty from state encroachment. Milton Friedman was born 95 years ago in Brooklyn. He was the son of immigrant parents from the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Think of the world that he was born into. For a couple of years his family lived in La Belle Epoch, a time of peace, increasing trade, and growing prosperity. People could travel without passports. The great empires were gradually liberalizing. It ...

The Capsizing of American Democracy

American democracy is capsizing as a result of the vast increase in the number of government dependents and government employees. This has created a voting bloc that overwhelms every other potential force. H.L. Mencken quipped in the 1930s that the New Deal divided America into those who work for a living and those who vote for a living a division truer now than ever before. In the era of the Founding Fathers, few things were more dreaded than dependency not being ones own man, not having a truly independent will because of reliance on someone or something else to survive. One of the glories of America was the possibility that common people could become self-reliant with hard work and discipline. Prof. John Philip Reid, the author of The Concept of Liberty in the Age of the American Revolution, summarized 18th-century political thinking: Property was ...

Ellsbergs Lessons for Our Time

Daniel Ellsberg is the kind of American who should receive a Medal of Freedom. Except that the Medals of Freedom are distributed by presidents who routinely give them to useful idiots and apologists for their wars and power grabs. It should be renamed the Medal for Enabling or Applauding Official Crimes in the Name of Freedom. Ellsberg knowingly risked spending a life in prison to bring the truth about the Vietnam War to Americans. He had hoped truth would set Americans free from the spell of official lies. But the experience in Iraq indicates that Americans have learned little if anything from the Vietnam-era deceits. Flora Lewis, a New York Times columnist, writing three weeks before 9/11, commented in a review of a book on U.S. government lies on the Vietnam War, There will probably never ...

Are Democrats Better on Privacy and Surveillance?

The Bush administration has probably illegally violated Americans privacy more than any presidency in at least a generation. Many Americans are understandably ready to throw out Republicans who trampled the Bill of Rights. But is the solution to elect a Democrat? Many liberals were shocked in July when putative Democratic Party presidential nominee Barack Obama voted in favor of the ...