Search Query: Peace

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You searched for "Peace" and here's what we found ...

The Federal Government Has Damaged Our Country

As the situation in Iraq continues to deteriorate, an increasing number of Americans are now questioning the wisdom of President Bushs decision to invade. While the primary reason for peoples increased level of dissatisfaction is the number of U.S. troops killed and wounded, there are many other important reasons that Americans should be questioning not only the U.S. invasion but also U.S. foreign policy in general. With its foreign policy and its invasion of Iraq, the federal government has wreaked great damage and brought great shame on our country. Prior to the invasion of Iraq, President Bush suggested various rationales for the invasion. All of them revolved around the fact that Saddam Hussein, the unelected ruler of Iraq, was a tyrannical and dangerous dictator, one who possibly possessed WMDs. Yet, in dealing with Saddam Hussein, ...

The NRA Gets It Wrong

The concept of individual rights really isnt complicated, but even some of its defenders get it wrong. Take, for example, the National Rifle Association (NRA). The NRA, of course, concentrates exclusively on the individuals right to keep and bear arms, but that is no excuse for failing to relate that right to the wider context of individual freedom. By failing to do so, the NRA actually undercuts our rights and endangers the very right it seeks to defend. The NRA has called for a boycott of ConocoPhillips, the oil company, because it is trying to overturn an Oklahoma law that would require employers to let their workers keep firearms in their cars when parked on company parking lots. The law was passed by the state legislature after Weyerhaeuser fired a dozen employees ...

The NRA Gets It Wrong

The concept of individual rights really isnt complicated, but even some of its defenders get it wrong. Take, for example, the National Rifle Association (NRA). The NRA, of course, concentrates exclusively on the individuals right to keep and bear arms, but that is no excuse for failing to relate that right to the wider context of individual freedom. By failing to do so, the NRA actually undercuts our rights and endangers the very right it seeks to defend. The NRA has called for a boycott of ConocoPhillips, the oil company, because it is trying to overturn an Oklahoma law that would require employers to let their workers keep firearms in their cars when parked on company parking lots. The law was passed by the state legislature after Weyerhaeuser fired a dozen employees ...