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A Republic, If You Can Keep It

AT THE CLOSE OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION, a woman asked Benjamin Franklin what type of government the Constitution was bringing into existence. Franklin replied, A republic, if you can keep it. Regardless of ones judgment concerning the type of government that the Constitution brought into existence in 1787, no one can deny that it was truly the most unusual and radical in history. Consider: With the tragic exception of slavery, the United States was a society in which people could, by and large, engage in any occupation or economic enterprise without a government license, permit, or regulation. Where people could travel anywhere in the world without restriction (no passports) and trade with whomever they pleased without the permission of their government officials. Where people could accumulate ...

A Republic, If You Can Keep It

AT THE CLOSE OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION, a woman asked Benjamin Franklin what type of government the Constitution was bringing into existence. Franklin replied, A republic, if you can keep it. Regardless of ones judgment concerning the type of government that the Constitution brought into existence in 1787, no one can deny that it was truly the most unusual and radical in history. Consider: With the tragic exception of slavery, the United States was a society in which people could, by and large, engage in any occupation or economic enterprise without a government license, permit, or regulation. Where people could travel anywhere in the world without restriction (no passports) and trade with whomever they pleased without the permission of their government officials. Where people could accumulate ...

Freedom Daily – 2001

January 2001 Lets Retire the Drug War by Jacob G. Hornberger Food, Education, and Health Care by Jacob G. Hornberger The Fundamental Rights of the European Union: Individual Rights or Welfare-State Privileges? Part 1 by Richard M. Ebleing Young People Arent Skeptical Enough by Sheldon Richman Clintons Kosovo Fraud by James Bovard The Second Amendment Protects an Individual Right by Benedict A. LaRosa Morals and the Welfare State, Part 4 by F.A. Harper Book Review Feeling Your Pain: The Explosion and Abuse of Government Power in the Clinton-Gore Years, by James Bovard reviewed by Richard M. Ebeling back to top February 2001 Abolish the Nonessentials by Jacob G. Hornberger The Fundamental Rights of the European Union: Individual Rights or Welfare-State Privileges? Part 2 by Richard M. Ebleing Election Nonsense by Sheldon Richman The IRS: ...

Private: Freedom Daily – 2003

January 2003 Economic Liberty and the Constitution, Part 8 by Jacob G. Hornberger In Pursuit of Sustainable Development: Political Planning versus the Free Market by Richard M. Ebeling Arrogance is Humility by Sheldon Richman Foreign Dissent on Bush's Imperial Ambitions by James Bovard Hawks and the Free Market by Bart Frazier Guns and Privacy by Scott McPherson Socialism Lives in Public Schools by Thomas L. Johnson