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Private: Commentaries – 2010

December 2010 Hoekstra Receives CIAs Bootlicking Award by James Bovard Plumbing New Depths on Guantanamo by Andy Worthington The Power of Ideas on Liberty by Jacob G. Hornberger Time to Rein in Federal Spending by Laurence M. Vance The Jacob Hornberger Show: Public Schooling vs. Educational Liberty by Jacob G. Hornberger Guantnamo Prisoners Sacrificed in Political Horse-Trading by Andy Worthington Beware the Campaign for War against Iran by Sheldon Richman Cut the Tax Cuts by Laurence M. Vance Make Bill of Rights Day America's Anti-Politician Day by James Bovard The Jacob Hornberger Show: "The Libertarian Society" by Jacob G. Hornberger Guantnamo: A Dismal Week for America by Andy Worthington Economic Liberty Lecture Series by Bart Frazier Wikileaks: Suppressing the Investigation of Torture by Andy Worthington A Libertarian View of the Estate Tax by Laurence M. Vance We All Have a Stake in the Outcome of this Battle by Jacob G. Hornberger A Message from Jacob Hornberger ...

Private: Freedom Daily – 1990

January 1990 A Message from FFF's Founder and President by Jacob G. Hornberger A Message from FFF's Vice-President by Richard M. Ebeling Self-Reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson Book ReviewThe New Realities: In Government, Politics, Economics, Business, Society by Richard M. Ebeling To receive your personal copy of Freedom Daily, subscribe to our print version ($25 per year) or our email version ($15 per year).   February 1990 Fighting Plunder with Plunder in Poland by Jacob G. Hornberger Free Market Money Instead of Political Manipulation by Richard M. Ebeling Visions and Ideals by James Allen Book ReviewDiscovery, Capitalism, and Distributive Justice by Richard M. Ebeling To receive your personal copy of Freedom Daily, subscribe to our print version ($25 per year) or our email version ($15 per year).   March 1990 Forget the Alamo (and the Flag)! by Jacob G. Hornberger On the Edge of Hyperinflation in Brazil by Richard M. Ebeling Book ReviewDiscovery, Capitalism, and Distributive Justice by Richard M. Ebeling To receive your personal copy ...

The Heritage of Economic Liberty

For the Founding Fathers, economic liberty was inseparable from the case for political freedom. Many of the grievances enumerated in the Declaration of Independence concern British infringements on the free movement of goods and men between the thirteen colonies and the rest of the world. It was not a coincidence that the same year that saw the Declaration of Independence also saw the publication of Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations. Both represented the ideas of the age. When Smith spoke of a "system of natural liberty" in which "every man, as long as he does not violate the laws of justice, is left perfectly free to pursue his own interests his own way and to bring both his industry and capital into competition with those of other men," he was expressing the economic vision of most of those who fought ...

Private: Freedom Daily – 1994

January 1994 The Real Free-Market Approach to Health Care, Part 1 by Jacob G. Hornberger National Health Insurance and the Welfare State, Part 1 by Richard M. Ebeling Clintons Health-Care Plan for You: Cradle-to-Grave Slavery, Part 1 by Jarret B. Wollstein The Case against Medical Licensing by Lawrence D. Wilson A Freedom Daily Classic Reprint: Medical Licensure by Milton Friedman Book ReviewGrassroots Tyranny: The ...