Search Query: Peace

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Commentaries – 1998

January 1998 Any Surplus Belongs to the Taxpayers by Sheldon Richman Let the Presidency Be Diminished by Sheldon Richman No Federal Role in Daycare by Sheldon Richman Social Security Has to Go by Sheldon Richman The Folly of Castro by Sheldon Richman back to top February 1998 Drawing the Line by Sheldon Richman Our Ultimate Resource Gone by Sheldon Richman Such a Deal! by Sheldon Richman The Bipartisan Drug Warp by Sheldon Richman back to top March 1998 What They Don't Know by Sheldon Richman back to top April 1998 Bank Mergers and Progress by Sheldon Richman Forget the Trade Deficit! by Sheldon Richman back to top May 1998 Immigration Controls Cause Exploitation by Sheldon Richman One Entrepreneur Is Worth a Million Consumer Advocates by Sheldon Richman Punishing Success by Sheldon Richman Save the Children--from Government by Sheldon Richman Some Free-Enterprise System by Sheldon Richman back to top June 1998 Educational Gimmickry by Sheldon Richman Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow by Sheldon Richman Read the Speech, Mr. Clinton by Sheldon Richman Service without a Smile by Sheldon Richman The Antitrust Absurdity by Sheldon Richman Why Not Open the Borders? by Jacob G. Hornberger back to top July 1998 Cleveland, ...

Commentaries – 1998

January 1998 Any Surplus Belongs to the Taxpayers by Sheldon Richman Let the Presidency Be Diminished by Sheldon Richman No Federal Role in Daycare by Sheldon Richman Social Security Has to Go by Sheldon Richman The Folly of Castro by Sheldon Richman back to top February 1998 Drawing the Line by Sheldon Richman Our Ultimate Resource Gone by Sheldon Richman Such a Deal! by Sheldon Richman The Bipartisan Drug Warp by Sheldon Richman back to top March 1998 What They Don't Know by Sheldon Richman back to top April 1998 Bank Mergers and Progress by Sheldon Richman Forget the Trade Deficit! by Sheldon Richman back to top May 1998 Immigration Controls Cause Exploitation by Sheldon Richman One Entrepreneur Is Worth a Million Consumer Advocates by Sheldon Richman Punishing Success by Sheldon Richman Save the Children--from Government by Sheldon Richman Some Free-Enterprise System by Sheldon Richman back to top June 1998 Educational Gimmickry by Sheldon Richman Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow by Sheldon Richman Read the Speech, Mr. Clinton by Sheldon Richman Service without a Smile by Sheldon Richman The Antitrust ...

Short-Circuit the Internet Tax

The wish to tax sales over the Internet has only one explanation: greed. I use that word advisedly. It is typically thrown around promiscuously to smear business people who earn fortunes by making consumers better off. That's a bad use of the term. But if by "greed" we mean the relentless grasping for other people's money without giving value in exchange, then that's the point of any tax on the Internet. This sense of greed describes government to a T. Do state and local governments need revenue? They are awash in it, thanks to the robust economy in which private citizens are producing record amounts of wealth. State and local sales and income taxes are raking in windfalls because of this productivity. ...