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More on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

I am receiving a considerable amount of feedback from readers regarding my article “Hiroshima and Nagasaki Were Shameful War Crimes.” Not surprisingly, some readers agree with my position and others disagree. In this follow-up article, I will address the arguments of those who express disagreement with my position. My critics make the popular, standard argument that has long been used to justify the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. They say that but for the bombings, an invasion of Japan would have been necessary, which would have cost, they say, the lives of countless U.S. troops. Therefore, they maintain, it was morally and legally permissible to target the people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki with nuclear bombs in order to bring a quicker surrender from Japan, which, in turn, saved the lives of the soldiers who would have been killed in an invasion of Japan. Portrait

The Dangerous Pursuit of Empire: Russia, China, and the United States

Giving up the reality, the nostalgia, or the dream of empire is very difficult for those in political power, and even for those citizens who have bought into their government’s indoctrination and propaganda. Historically, empire-builders and political leaders often seem to hold certain attitudes and ideas in common. First, they believe that they and their group or nation are on a “mission,” based on a religion or superiority of their nation or culture, for which history or destiny has chosen them to bring salvation, or justice, or “civilization,” to the rest of humanity. Second, there is almost always some other nation or group or people that is their nemesis, a force opposing and hindering the achievement of the destiny or special role in history of the chosen group or nation. The opponent not only wishes to stop the virtuous nation or people and its leaders but for its own nefarious global purposes must attempt to destroy the virtuous nation and its ...

The Evidence that Convicts the CIA of the JFK Assassination, Part 2

PRELIMINARY NOTE: Ron Paul Institute’s Annual Foreign-Policy Conference I have been invited to speak at the scholar's part of the Ron Paul Institute’s annual conference on foreign policy, which is being held on September 2, at the Hilton Washington Dulles Airport outside Washington, D.C. The scholar's segment takes place the day before the main conference, but I'll be attending the main conference as well.  I have spoken at both the scholar's part and the main conference several times in the past, and I can tell you that this is one of the libertarian movement’s best and most important conferences. This year’s theme is “Which Way, America?” I consider it a big honor to be invited to again speak at the conference. Ron has long been one of my real-life libertarian heroes, and the courageous and principled work that he and Dan McAdams do to get America back on the right track toward freedom and peace continues to ...

America’s Forever Wars Are Not the Problem

Ever since it became clear that the U.S. invasions and occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq were turning into disasters, a common refrain has been to end America’s “forever wars.” Politicians of all political stripes, commentators in the mainstream press, and various conservative and libertarian think tanks and educational foundations have embraced the refrain, thinking that if only America can ...