Search Query: Peace

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You searched for "Peace" and here's what we found ...

The Pentagon Brought on Both Nuclear Crises

I fully realize that when it comes to Ukraine, one is supposed to focus exclusively on Russia’s invasion and not on what the Pentagon did to gin up the crisis, a crisis that has gotten us perilously close to a world-destroying nuclear war with Russia.  Nonetheless, the Pentagon’s role in this crisis needs to be emphasized, over and over again, just as the Pentagon’s role in ginning up the Cuban Missile Crisis also needs to be emphasized, over and over again. Yes, what I am emphasizing is the Pentagon’s role in ginning up both of these crises that have gotten us so close to nuclear war with Russia.  At the end of the Cold War racket, there was absolutely no reason for NATO to remain in existence. Its purported mission of protecting Europe from a Soviet (i.e., Russian) attack had been fulfilled. The Cold War was supposedly over.  The only problem was that it wasn’t ...

Fascism versus Socialism: Take Your Pick

I was recently contemplating the run-off election for president in Brazil between right-winger Jair Bolsonaro and left-winger Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. I couldn’t help but feel sorry for the Brazilian people, given that their choice was between economic fascism, which Bolsonaro represents, and socialism, which Lula represents. What a horrible choice! Jair Bolsonaro. Creative Commons. But it’s not the only time that Latin Americans have been faced with such a choice. In fact, the entire modern-day history of Latin American countries has been a choice between right-wing fascism and left-wing socialism. One of the best examples of this phenomenon was in Chile in the early 1970s. The Chilean people were saddled with socialist Salvador Allende as president, who had been democratically elected. Then, in a violent U.S.-inspired military regime-change operation, Allende was ousted from power and replaced by the fascist right-wing military general Augusto Pinochet.

No U.S. Negotiations with Russia

Amidst the increasingly degrading situation in Ukraine, a number of American commentators are calling on President Biden to enter into negotiations with Russia in an attempt to resolve the crisis. I’ve got a better idea: the U.S. government should instead butt out of the crisis entirely. It should immediately stop furnishing military and financial aid to Ukraine, withdraw from NATO, abandon all U.S. military bases in Europe, and bring all U.S. troops home from that part of the world and discharge them into the private sector. That’s just the first step.  The U.S. government should then abandon all other foreign military bases around the world and bring home all troops stationed overseas and discharge them too. While they might be needed to police the world, there are not needed to defend the United States from a foreign invasion, especially given that there is not one single European, Asian, or African nation that has the military capability, manpower, ...

The Free Market Can and Should Be Absolute

The 1932 Democratic Party platform advocated “the removal of government from all fields of private enterprise except where necessary to develop public works and natural resources in the common interest.” But since the advent of Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal — a raw deal for Americans that raised taxes; forced most manufacturing industries into cartels with codes that regulated prices; paid ...