Search Query: Peace

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You searched for "Peace" and here's what we found ...

The Evil of Sanctions

After maneuvering Russia into choosing either (1) to permit the U.S. to install its missiles, bases, troops, tanks, and weaponry along Russia’s border in Ukraine or (2) to invade Ukraine to prevent that from happening, President Biden, the Pentagon, and the CIA are now responding to Russia’s choice of (2) by imposing brutal sanctions on the Russian people.  Oh sure, they are making out like the sanctions are targeting Russian President Putin and the Russian “elites” in the government that are supporting the invasion. But that’s just another lie. In fact, the sanctions are designed to do the same thing as the sanctions against Iran, Cuba (i.e., the embargo), North Korea, China, Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere. They are designed to squeeze the Russian people with impoverishment and even death in the hope that they will protest and cause Russian President Vladimir Putin to change course or even violently revolt against Putin’s regime. Of course, never ...

Time to Put Uncle Sam on a Diet

A report issued a decade ago by the National Cancer Institute on the status of the American diet found that “three out of four Americans don’t eat a single piece of fruit in a given day, and nearly nine out of ten don’t reach the minimum recommended daily intake of vegetables.” The report concluded that “nearly the entire U.S. population consumes a diet that is not on par with recommendations.” I was among the guilty then, and — like most Americans — am among the guilty now. The outward result of a bad diet is weight gain. As a consequence — and especially after the widespread gluttony that takes place from Thanksgiving through New Year’s Day — millions of Americans begin the new year with a resolution to go on a diet. Unfortunately — and again, I plead guilty here — by the time February comes around, many dieters have already given up. Americans who do choose to try and shed ...

How JFK Would Have Handled the Ukraine Crisis

There is no doubt that President Kennedy would have handled the Ukraine crisis totally different from the way that President Biden has handled it. Unlike Biden, Kennedy would have resolved the situation so that there never would have been a Russian invasion of Ukraine, which would have meant that all the death and suffering being wreaked in that country today would never have occurred. Kennedy had a unique ability to step into the shoes of his adversary to determine why he was taking a particular position or course of action. In the case of Ukraine, he would have easily realized that all that Russia wanted was a guarantee that Ukraine would not be admitted into NATO. He would have understood Russia’s reasoning that admitting Ukraine into NATO would have entitled the Pentagon and the CIA to install their bases, missiles, weaponry, tanks, and troops along Russia’s border. He would have ...

The U.S. National Security State’s Legacy of Death and Destruction

Unfortunately, the massive death and destruction that the U.S. national-security establishment has produced in Ukraine with its political gamesmanship involving NATO and Russia is not the first time that its interventionism has produced such a horrific result. In fact, the entire legacy of the U.S. national-security state form of government, which was brought into existence after ...