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The Troops Don’t Defend Our Freedoms

How often do we hear the claim that American troops “defend our freedoms”? The claim is made often by U.S. officials and is echoed far and wide across the land by television commentators, newspaper columnists, public-school teachers, and many others. It’s even a common assertion that emanates on Sundays from many church pulpits. Unfortunately, it just isn’t so. In fact, the situation is the exact opposite — the troops serve as the primary instrument by which both our freedoms and well-being are threatened. Let’s examine the three potential threats to our freedoms and the role that the troops play in them: 1. Foreign regimes Every competent military analyst would tell us that the threat of a foreign invasion and conquest of America is nonexistent. No nation has the military capability of invading and conquering the United States. Not ...

Imagining Freedom for the 21st Century: A Presidential Candidate’s Press Conference, Part 1

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 The threshold of the 21st century, the American people are once again faced with having to choose a president of the United States. A hundred years ago, when the 20th century began, the issue of who was elected president of the country must have seemed of some importance, but not of great concern to the average American’s daily life. For most people in the United States at that time, their family and their local small-town community affairs not only dominated everyday personal concerns (after all, in 1900, 60 percent of the population still lived in rural areas compared with only 25 percent in 1990), but government hardly intruded into their lives. Regulatory agencies were few in number, taxes were low at all levels of government, and what government activities did exist were mostly ...

Imagining Freedom for the 21st Century: A Presidential Candidate’s Press Conference, Part 4

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 The Washington Times: In your 10-point vision for America (See “Imagining Freedom for the 21st Century, Part 2,” Freedom Daily, July 2000), you called for ending all political, military, and economic intervention by the U.S. government around the world. Even in this post-Cold War era, doesn’t the United States have certain vital national interests in various parts of the world? And as the strongest and most important democracy, don’t we have an obligation to assist, support, and defend those whose freedom is being challenged or threatened by external aggression or domestic forces that would lead to tyranny, war, and international instability? The Candidate: In the 20th century, America has participated in two world wars, two other major wars in Asia — Korea and Vietnam — and undertaken numerous military engagements and interventions in Central and South America, the Middle East, and Europe. ...

Preface to The Failure of America’s Foreign Wars

The following is the preface to The Failure of America’s Foreign Wars, published by The Future of Freedom Foundation in 1996. For over one hundred years, the American way of life was unique: no income taxation, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, public schooling, economic regulations, or welfare. Except for allowing slavery, government’s role was primarily limited to protecting people from ...