Search Query: Peace

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You searched for "Peace" and here's what we found ...

A New Federal War on Dissent?

On October 15, 2003, the FBI sent Intelligence Bulletin #89 to 17,000 local and state law-enforcement agencies around the country. The bulletin warned of pending marches in Washington and San Francisco against Bush’s Iraq policy and stated, While the FBI possesses no information indicating that violent or terrorist activities are being planned as part of these protests, the possibility exists that elements of the activist community may attempt to engage in violent, destructive, or disruptive acts. The FBI catalogued some of the new threats to public safety: Several effective and innovative strategies are commonly used by protesters prior to, during, and after demonstrations.... Protesters often use the internet to recruit, raise funds, and coordinate their activities prior to demonstrations. Activists may also make use of training camps to rehearse tactics and counter-strategies for dealing ...

The NRA Gets It Wrong

The concept of individual rights really isn’t complicated, but even some of its defenders get it wrong. Take, for example, the National Rifle Association (NRA). The NRA, of course, concentrates exclusively on the individual’s right to keep and bear arms, but that is no excuse for failing to relate that right to the wider context of individual freedom. By failing to do so, the NRA actually undercuts our rights and endangers the very right it seeks to defend. The NRA has called for a boycott of ConocoPhillips, the oil company, because it is trying to overturn an Oklahoma law that would require employers to let their workers keep firearms in their cars when parked on company parking lots. The law was passed by the state legislature after Weyerhaeuser fired a dozen employees three years ago for having guns ...

Terrorism, Anti-Terrorism, and American Foreign Policy, Part 1

Terrorism, Anti-Terrorism, and American Foreign Policy, Part 1 by Richard M. Ebeling, November 1996 Part 1 | Part 2 On July 17, 1996, TWA Fight 800 exploded into a fireball off the southern coast of Long Island and crashed into the Atlantic Ocean, just minutes after it took off from John F. Kennedy International Airport. Two hundred and thirty human beings lost their lives. The anger and sorrow expressed by many Americans were understandable, as the evidence clearly pointed to a terrorist act. Shortly after 1:00 a.m. on July 27, a pipe bomb exploded at Centennial Olympic Park in Atlanta, Georgia, resulting in two deaths and more than a hundred injured, generating even more anger among Americans. There was also a sense of fatalistic inevitability. In comments collected from "man-on-the-street" interviews shown on the television news programs, a lot of people said they were surprised that more of these types of lethal attacks hadn't occurred already around America. So much of the world is engulfed ...