Search Query: Peace

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You searched for "Peace" and here's what we found ...

Multilateralist Cowards

The biggest bunch of cowards in the U.S. Congress are the multilateralists. These are the ones who say that the Bush administration should not escalate the 10-year-old war against Iraq without the support of the United Nations. What makes them cowards is not their skittishness about having the United States go it alone against Saddam Hussein. It’s their seeking refuge in multilateralism so they don’t have to oppose the war forthrightly, as they should. They were afraid of going into the fall election with an “antiwar” brand on their hides. How pathetic. This can be the only explanation for their behavior because their position is otherwise incoherent. If, as they say, they believe Saddam is a threat to the American people and if most nations oppose the U.S. escalation, then why not support unilateral action? It makes ...

My Pre-Invasion Predictions

More than a year prior to the September 11 attacks, we here at The Future of Freedom Foundation predicted that the U.S. government's interventionist foreign policy would ultimately produce terrorism on American soil: “Terrorism — or War,” by Jacob G. Hornberger “Breeding Terrorism,” by Sheldon Richman Here are my five predictions prior to the upcoming U.S. invasion of Iraq: First, the U.S. government’s invasion of Iraq will produce more terrorist attacks against Americans, including some attacks here in the United States. (Yes, I know, this is a safe prediction, especially given that the CIA has said the same thing.) Second, the U.S. government will claim that the post-Saddam terrorist attacks have nothing to do with the U.S. government’s invasion of Iraq and the resulting deaths of thousands of Iraqi people but instead are due to ...

Why War with Iraq? Follow the Money

Financial Times columnist Martin Wolf recently argued that America’s coming war with Iraq would provide a “public good” for the world. The world economy runs on oil. Any disruption in oil supplies or unstable swings in oil prices threaten the economic well-being of every oil user around the globe. Regimes such as the one currently in Iraq represent the potential source of such disruption and instability. If America wins a short war and brings the Iraqi oil fields fully back into operation, it will serve as a forceful counterweight to the political and economic troublemakers in OPEC. Thus, the argument goes, America is doing good for the world by doing well for itself and pursuing regime change in Iraq. There is an old adage in political and economic analysis. If you want to understand why ...