Search Query: Peace

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You searched for "Peace" and here's what we found ...

A New Foreign-Policy Paradigm for America

Ludwig von Mises observed that government intervention inexorably leads to more government intervention until the point comes that government assumes total control over the affairs of the citizenry. The idea is that since government interventions always produce perverse consequences, government officials will inevitably enact new interventions designed to fix the problems resulting from the earlier ones. The cycle repeats itself until government control becomes complete. No principle could better describe the U.S. government's long-time policy of foreign aid and foreign intervention. Over time, the perverse consequences of each new intervention have produced an ever-increasing array of new interventions designed to fix the problems resulting from the earlier ones. For example, our government's foreign policy has often included financial assistance to foreign regimes that have used the money or the weapons to oppress and brutalize their own citizens. Moreover, for decades, our government has interceded on one side ...

A New Foreign-Policy Paradigm for America by Jacob G. Hornberger, November 2001 Ludwig von Mises observed that government intervention inexorably leads to more government intervention until the point comes that government assumes total control over the affairs of the citizenry. The idea is that since government interventions always produce perverse consequences, government officials will inevitably enact new interventions designed to fix the problems resulting from the earlier ones. The cycle repeats itself until government control becomes complete. No principle could better describe the U.S. government's long-time policy of foreign aid and foreign intervention. Over time, the perverse consequences of each new intervention have produced an ever-increasing array of new interventions designed to fix the problems resulting from the earlier ones. For example, our government's foreign policy has often included financial assistance to foreign regimes that have used the money or the weapons to oppress and brutalize their own citizens. Moreover, for decades, our government has interceded on one side or the other in conflicts ...

An Astounding Remark

When Attorney General John Ashcroft told the nation, "To those who scare peace-loving people with phantoms of lost liberty, my message is this: Your tactics only aid terrorists," he wasn't blazing any new trails. He was merely doing what despots and would-be despots always do: attempting to intimidate into silence those who dare to question him. Ashcroft's statement is one of the most astounding things to be said by a U.S. official in many years. To read it carefully — letting its full message sink in — is to be overtaken by a sense of horror that is otherwise hard to imagine. Every American should be offended to hear the government's chief law enforcement officer equate public expressions of concern about the threats to liberty from drastic "anti-terrorism" measures with joining al-Qaeda. Does Ashcroft have such a low estimate of the American people's intelligence? Perhaps he needs to become acquainted ...

Finding Safety from Terrorism

Finding Safety from Terrorism by Scott McPherson, July 2002 Since September 11, safety, security, and liberty are at the forefront of every American’s mind. As in most crises, some Americans believe that a stronger and more powerful central government is the answer. But is it? Responding to an increased demand for protection, the federal government has embraced a number of “solutions” to the terrorist ...