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Hornberger’s Blog: February 2005

Monday, February 28, 2005 U.S. Attorney Paul J. McNulty, who is representing the government in the Abu Ali case (the case in which U.S. officials kept U.S. citizen Abu Ali in a Saudi jail for 20 months), should be given a special federal medal for audaciousness. Responding to Abu Ali’s claims of torture, McNulty stated in official court pleadings in federal court: "The consul at the U.S. Embassy in Riyadh, an employee of the Department of State, met personally with the defendant on several occasions during his detention in Saudi Arabia. On no occasion did the defendant complain of any physical or psychological mistreatment. To the contrary, the defendant advised the consul that he was being well treated. Not until his initial appearance, with members of the news media present, did the defendant claim he had been physically mistreated while in Saudi custody.”

Hornberger’s Blog, July 2005

Saturday, July 30, 2005 I wonder if Martha Stewart, whom the feds convicted and punished for lying to a federal bureaucrat even though she wasn’t under oath at the time she supposedly lied, noticed the latest news about President Bush’s nominee to be the U.S. ambassador to the UN, John Bolton. In conjunction with his ratification hearings, Bolton was asked in an official U.S. Senate questionnaire whether he had ever been interviewed by investigators in any inquiry during the past five years. He answered in the negative. The problem? Bolton had been interviewed in an inquiry during the past five years. In other words, his statement in an official U.S. Senate questionnaire involving official federal business was false. In fact, as U.S. officials are now acknowledging, Bolton was interviewed by the State Department inspector general in conjunction with the infamous CIA-Niger-Iraq matter (i.e., the Valerie Plame/Joseph Wilson matter). Bolton’s response? Oh, well, you see, it seems that he just “forgot” about ...

Hornberger’s Blog: July 2005

Saturday, July 30, 2005 I wonder if Martha Stewart, whom the feds convicted and punished for lying to a federal bureaucrat even though she wasn’t under oath at the time she supposedly lied, noticed the latest news about President Bush’s nominee to be the U.S. ambassador to the UN, John Bolton. In conjunction with his ratification hearings, Bolton was asked in an official U.S. Senate questionnaire whether he had ever been interviewed by investigators in any inquiry during the past five years. He answered in the negative. The problem? Bolton had been interviewed in an inquiry during the past five years. In other words, his statement in an official U.S. Senate questionnaire involving official federal business was false. In fact, as U.S. officials are now acknowledging, Bolton was interviewed by the State Department inspector general in conjunction with the infamous CIA-Niger-Iraq ...

Hornberger’s Blog, February 2006

Tuesday, February 28, 2006 I wonder how U.S. officials reacted to the leaked draft of a report on Mexico’s “dirty war,” which was waged in part during the presidential regime of Luis Echeverria (1780-76) and three other Mexican presidents. Under what they termed “Operation Friendship, “Echeverria’s military forces conducted ''illegal searches, arbitrary detentions, torture, the raping of women in ...

Hornberger’s Blog, August 2006

Thursday, August 31, 2006 Obviously becoming more desperate given the ever-increasing degeneration of the situation in Iraq and the ever-increasing defections among previously pro-war and pro-occupation GOP congressional candidates, Vice President Dick Cheney has compared the Saddam Hussein regime and the “terrorists” in Iraq to the Adolf Hitler regime. Unfortunately, Cheney misses an important point. In World War II, ...

Hornberger’s Blog, August 2006

Thursday, August 31, 2006 Obviously becoming more desperate given the ever-increasing degeneration of the situation in Iraq and the ever-increasing defections among previously pro-war and pro-occupation GOP congressional candidates, Vice President Dick Cheney has compared the Saddam Hussein regime and the “terrorists” in Iraq to the Adolf Hitler regime. Unfortunately, Cheney misses an important point. In World War II, ...