Search Query: Peace

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You searched for "Peace" and here's what we found ...

The Clinton Regime’s Final Bosh

“WE HAVE A NEW SENSE OF optimism in America.... America has come back under his regime,” declared White House press spokesman Jake Siewert at the final White House briefing of Clinton’s presidency. Siewert recognized his gaffe and quickly repeated himself, substituting the word “administration” for “regime.” But actually, the word “regime” is far more accurate, at least insofar as how Clinton and his lackeys wish Americans to view Clinton’s rule. Thanks to the enlightened and caring leadership of Bill Clinton, the sun rose in the east across this great land every morning for more than 2,900 days in a row. Without the Clinton-masterminded reinvention of government, the inclusion of minorities in government positions, and the slaying of the federal budget deficit, the sun would not have risen, crops would not have ripened, and more than 200 million Americans would have starved to death. That is the basic ...

Bush’s WMD Flimflams

The Bush administration’s rush to war against Iraq was justified largely by the danger that Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction supposedly posed to the United States and to U.S. allies. In his January 28, 2003, state of the Union address, Bush denounced Saddam as “the dictator who is assembling the world’s most dangerous weapons” and listed vast quantities of biological and chemical weapons that few independent experts believed Saddam possessed. Bush concluded, “A future lived at the mercy of terrible threats is no peace at all.” In his March 17 “ultimatum address,” after listing Saddam’s alleged WMDs, Bush declaimed, “And this very fact underscores the reason we cannot live under the threat of blackmail.” In that same speech, Bush declared that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised…. Under Resolutions 678 and 687 — both still in effect ...

An Anti-Democracy Foreign Policy: Guatemala

Unfortunately, the CIA “success” in Iran, which produced the CIA’s ouster of Iran’s democratically elected prime minister, bred a CIA “success” in another part of the world, Latin America. One year after the 1953 coup in Iran, the CIA did it again, this time in Guatemala, where U.S. officials feared the communist threat even more than they did in Iran. This time, the target was the democratically elected president of Guatemala, Jacobo Arbenz, a self-avowed socialist whose domestic policies were in fact modeled after the socialist New Deal policies of U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt. Arbenz’s socialist mindset had driven him to adopt an “agrarian reform plan,” a type of land-distribution scheme that unfortunately is all too common in Latin America. The plan entailed the confiscation of a portion of land owned by a major U.S. corporation operating in Guatemala at that time, United Fruit, and its redistribution to Guatemalan peasants. While the plan was an almost perfect embodiment of ...