Search Query: Peace

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You searched for "Peace" and here's what we found ...

Players and Pawns: The Persian Gulf War

Players and Pawns: The Persian Gulf War by Jacob G. Hornberger, July 1991 For the greater part of this century, the United States government has plundered, looted, and terrorized the American people through the Internal Revenue Service. It has surreptitiously stolen people's income and savings through the Federal Reserve System. It has brutally enforced — through fines and imprisonment — rules and regulations governing people's peaceful economic activities. In a very real sense, ours is a government which has been — and is — waging a terribly immoral and destructive war against its own people. Yet, Americans continue to delude themselves. Harkening back to their high-school civics classes, they continue to believe that America is the land of the free ...

Players and Pawns: The Persian Gulf War

Players and Pawns: The Persian Gulf War by Jacob G. Hornberger, July 1991 For the greater part of this century, the United States government has plundered, looted, and terrorized the American people through the Internal Revenue Service. It has surreptitiously stolen people's income and savings through the Federal Reserve System. It has brutally enforced — through fines and imprisonment — rules and regulations governing people's peaceful economic activities. In a very real sense, ours is a government which has been — and is — waging a terribly immoral and destructive war against its own people. Yet, Americans continue to delude themselves. Harkening back to their high-school civics classes, they continue to believe that America is the land of the free ...

American Foreign Policy — The Turning Point, 1898–1919, Part 1

American Foreign Policy — The Turning Point, 1898–1919 Part 1 by Ralph Raico, February 1995 Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 With the end of the twentieth century rapidly approaching, this is a time to look back and gain some perspective on where we stand as a nation. Were the Founding Fathers somehow to return, they would find it impossible to recognize our political system. The major cause of this transformation has been America's involvement in war and preparation for war over the past hundred years. War has warped our constitutional order, the course of our national development, and the very mentality of our people. The process of distortion started about a century ago, when certain fateful steps were taken that in time altered fundamentally the character of our republic. One idea of America was abandoned and another took its place, although no conscious, deliberate decision was ever made. Eventually, this change affected ...