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Hornberger’s Blog: October 2004

October 30, 2004 Like a bad dream, Osama bin Laden is back, having released a videotape stating that terrorism against the United States is rooted in U.S. government foreign policy in the Middle East rather than in hatred for America’s “freedom and values.” This is also what the CIA agent “Anonymous” emphasizes in his recent book Imperial Hubris: "No, I don't think they hate everything that they — that we stand for. In fact, the same polls that show the depths of their hatred of our policies show a very strong affection for the traditional American sense of fair play, the idea of rule by law, the ability of people to educate their children. I think the mistake is made on our part to assume that they hate all those things. What they hate is the policy and the repercussions of that policy, ...

Hornberger’s Blog: January 2004

Saturday, January 31, 2004 Given the fact that thousands of innocent people, including more than 500 American soldiers, have been killed in the effort to “disarm Saddam” of weapons of mass destruction that he didn’t possess, in retrospect wouldn’t it have been a lot better if President Bush had accepted Saddam Hussein's offer to settle their personal differences with a duel? Friday, January 30, 2004 Amidst increasing calls for an independent investigation by the mainstream press into the Bush administration’s use of Saddam Hussein’s nonexistent weapons of mass destruction to terrify the American people into supporting the invasion of Iraq, which we now know was being planned soon after Bush took office, the White House is now saying that the invasion was justified because Saddam had a history of attempting to acquire such weapons. Well, ...

Hornberger’s Blog: October, 2003

Friday, October 31, 2003 Dear Friends of FFF, Last week I traveled to St. Louis, Missouri, to deliver a speech entitled “The Moral Bankruptcy of U.S. Foreign Policy” to about 60 students at Washington University. What a great time that was! The talk was sponsored by the Libertarian Club at WU, one of most impressive college libertarian groups I’ve ever seen. I spoke for about 40 minutes about U.S. foreign policy, specifically about the U.S. government’s policy of supporting cruel and brutal dictators, the horrific things that U.S. officials did to the Iraqi people for the past 12 years, including the intentional destruction of Iraq’s sewage and water treatment plants followed by the 12-year embargo that contributed widespread death and impoverishment, the stationing of American troops on Islamic holy lands, and the unconditional financial and military support for whatever the Israeli government does, ...

Ron Paul vs. Big Government Conservatives

An op-ed entitled “Conservatives’ Isolationist Dalliance” in the Washington Times today by Jeffrey T. Kuhner, president of the conservative Edmund Burke Institute, is an excellent example of the difficult task that Ron Paul has in convincing conservatives to abandon their devotion to Big Government in foreign affairs. Praising Paul for his limited-government domestic policy, Kuhner then proceeds to ...

Hornberger’s Blog, February 2010

Friday, February 26, 2010 Ron Paul vs. Big Government Conservatives by Jacob G. Hornberger An op-ed entitled “Conservatives’ Isolationist Dalliance” in the Washington Times today by Jeffrey T. Kuhner, president of the conservative Edmund Burke Institute, is an excellent example of the difficult task that Ron Paul has in convincing conservatives to abandon their devotion to Big Government in foreign ...