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You searched for "open borders" and here's what we found ...

An Utterly Fantastic Book on Immigration

I just finished reading an utterly fantastic new book. With the possible exception of The Future of Freedom Foundation’s 1995 book The Case for Free Trade and Open Immigration, this new book is the best book on the issue of immigration I have ever read. It is entitled The Case for Open Borders. The author is John Washington, who has written for The Atlantic, Washington Post, The Nation, The Intercept, and other outlets. Ever since FFF’s inception in 1989, I have been emphasizing one important point: There is one — and only one — solution to America’s perpetual immigration crisis and morass. That solution is open borders — genuine open borders — not the immigration police state that statists (as well as some libertarians) call “open borders.” Genuine open borders entails the elimination of the Border Patrol, ICE, the immigration police state, and all restrictions on the free movements of goods, services, and people across borders.

How About Closed Borders Between the States?

Here is an idea to consider, based on the protectionist and anti-immigration positions held by leading GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump and many of his fellow conservatives: Let’s end the system of open borders between the respective states of the Union and impose the same type of controlled system of trade and immigration that Trump favors for America’s international borders. Now, I know how some will immediately respond and so let me address that issue right off the bat. Some will say, “That wouldn’t be constitutional, Jacob. The Framers specifically provided for a system of open borders between the respective states.” Yes, that’s true, but the Constitution can be amended. It’s been amended several times, including ten amendments that were enacted immediately after the Constitution was enacted. So, the Constitution can be amended to bring an end to America’s system of open borders between the states and to impose a system of closed or controlled borders between the states. So, that’s the ...

The Tyranny of Immigration Controls

Imagine the following conversation: John: Oh, my head hurts so bad. I don’t know what I’m going to do. Jack: If you stopped beating your head against that wall, your headache would go away. John: You libertarians are always so impractical and extreme. My headache has nothing to do with the fact that I am beating my head against this wall. I am meeting with my doctor today. He is an expert on headaches, and I am certain that he will come up with a plan that will rid me of my headache. That exchange encapsulates the immigration debate in America. For decades, people have wailed about the ongoing, never-ending immigration crisis. But when we libertarians say, “If you abolished your system of immigration controls and embraced a system of open borders, you wouldn’t have an immigration crisis anymore,” we are hit with the same type of response described above. I grew up on a farm on the Rio Grande just outside the city ...