Search Query: open borders

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You searched for "open borders" and here's what we found ...

Mexico’s New President

Mexico has a new president, 45-year-old Enrique Pena Nieto, who is a member of the PRI, the political party that once held the Mexican people in a monopolistic iron grip for some seven decades. In 2000, with much hope and change, voters rejected the PRI candidate and elected Vicente Fox, a member of PAN, thereby busting Mexico’s one-party system. Naturally, the Mexican people figured that such a revolutionary political change would finally bring an end to the deep economic impoverishment that has characterized Mexico for centuries. But it was not to be. The cast had changed, but the results were the same — continued poverty and, even worse, for the past six years a massive death toll of some 60,000 people resulting from Mexico’s military crackdown in the war on drugs. So, Mexicans have now returned to the PRI by electing Pena. Will anything change? Nope, at least not until the Mexican people finally change their economic system. Until that happens, it won’t matter ...