Search Query: open borders

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You searched for "open borders" and here's what we found ...

A Historian Looks at Tax Havens

The recent attack on tax havens by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has depicted about 20–30 countries, called tax havens, as destructive of the high tax systems of the world, especially Europe. The OECD argues that its members should gang up on these nations and shut down their financial centers unless their banking facilities are made “transparent” (a word of art they use, which means to place their banking information at the disposal of the national tax authorities of the world). For those centers that will not do so, the OECD plans to place a banking embargo on their banks, preventing them from doing any banking with the OECD. This is a bold, aggressive move that would put an end to the ancient principle of English liberty that a “man’s castle is beyond the surveillance of the king.” The OECD argues that “tax havens” are financial cesspools teeming with dirty money, crooks, and ...

Classical Liberalism in the 21st Century: War and Peace

THE HISTORY OF MANKIND is a history of war, conquest, and oppression. From ancient times to the modern era, peace and freedom have been rare occurrences in the sweep of human events. When peace has prevailed for extended periods of time, it has invariably occurred under the yoke of despotic regimes that have wielded greater military force and internal political power to hold back the threat of rival kings and tyrants and maintain domestic stability. Freedom over the last 3,000 years has been an even rarer commodity. Even in such majestic cultures as ancient Athens and Rome that are regarded as heralds of the concept of liberty, only a handful of “free citizens” possessed a degree of liberty, while most people in those societies were bound into slavery. And when the ancient Hebrews were led ...

A Libertarian Visits South America

Last fall, I was invited to South America by two free-market think tanks — the Instituto de Estudos Empresariais (IEE — Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies) in Porto Alegre, Brazil, and the Fundación Atlas para una Sociedad Libre (Atlas Foundation for a Free Society) in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I thought the readers of Freedom Daily might find my experiences interesting. The Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies was founded in 1984 "to encourage and prepare new leadership, based on the principles of the free-market economy, free enterprise, and the rule of law." I first encountered the institute in 1995, when I was invited to speak at its annual Forum of Liberty on the subject of education and the free market. During that visit, there were three of us on the stage facing 1,000 people in the audience. ...