Search Query: open borders

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You searched for "open borders" and here's what we found ...

The Greying of the Conservative Idea: Freedom and the Social Order

Ours is a time without a consistent ideological or philosophical direction. The utopian dreams that dominated more than three-quarters of our century have lost their attractiveness for most people, after the attempt to implement them produced nothing but death camps, slave labor, and mass terror. Fascism, National Socialism, and Soviet communism, in their historical forms, seem to be dead. Even in Eastern Europe, where some of the renamed former Communist Party organizations have come back to power, e.g., in Lithuania, Poland, and Hungary, they have proposed neither party programs nor governmental policies that call for the reestablishment of the prior system of comprehensive central planning and one-party rule. Instead, they have declared their desire to implement privatization, foster market reform, and encourage foreign private investment. They insist that their agenda is one of "social ...

The Predilection for Planning: National Industrial Policy, Again

It seems that no matter how many times governmental planning is implemented and fails, the temptation to try to design the economic system through political means remains irresistible. One of the reasons for this was explained in the 1880s by the English economist Walter Bagehot, who warned, "All Governments like to interfere; it elevates their position to make out that they can cure the evils of mankind. And all the zealots wish they should interfere, for such zealots think they can and may convert the rulers and manipulate the State control." But besides the zeal of those who believe that they know how best to order, arrange and plan the evolution and direction of society, there are those who see in the use of the state means to acquire income and wealth through governmental intervention and redistribution. Writing in the 1890s, the Italian economist and sociologist, Vilfredo Pareto, asked his readers to imagine two French industrialists: "One is constantly on ...

A Libertarian Visits South America

Last fall, I was invited to South America by two free-market think tanks — the Instituto de Estudos Empresariais (IEE — Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies) in Porto Alegre, Brazil, and the Fundación Atlas para una Sociedad Libre (Atlas Foundation for a Free Society) in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I thought the readers of Freedom Daily might find my experiences interesting. The Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies was founded in 1984 "to encourage and prepare new leadership, based on the principles of the free-market economy, free enterprise, and the rule of law." I first encountered the institute in 1995, when I was invited to speak at its annual Forum of Liberty on the subject of education and the free market. During that visit, there were three of us on the stage facing 1,000 people in the audience. The speaker was the mayor of a Brazilian city who told the audience how important it was that Brazil try to copy the public-schooling system in ...

China: From Brutal Oppressor to Terrorist Victim

Since 9/11, President Bush has endlessly reminded the world that he is leading a “freedom-loving coalition” to vanquish terrorists anywhere and everywhere. However, the more closely one examines the details of the Bush coalition, the more difficult it becomes to detect any love of freedom. The Bush administration’s anti-terrorism partnership with China exemplifies its hypocrisy and contempt for human rights. ...