Search Query: open borders

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A Libertarian Visits Cuba, Part 3 (of 3)

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 When I arrived in Cuba, an El Salvadoran was being tried for terroristic bombing and four Cuban dissidents were being tried for criticizing the Cuban system, and the trials were being shown on national television. Tension was in the air. Nevertheless, even though it is a grave criminal offense to challenge Cuba's socialist system, I was determined to deliver a presentation of libertarian principles in the middle of Havana. I got my chance when one of the research centers I visited asked me to explain libertarianism to its staff. I said, "In the United States, the state runs our educational system and it is a disaster. We libertarians challenge the state by asking: 'Why not end state involvement in education and have a free market in education?'" "Our government also runs an old-age assistance program for Americans called Social Security, and it is a bankrupt mess. We libertarians challenge the state by ...

A Libertarian Visits Cuba, Part 3 (of 3)

When I arrived in Cuba, an El Salvadoran was being tried for terroristic bombing and four Cuban dissidents were being tried for criticizing the Cuban system, and the trials were being shown on national television. Tension was in the air. Nevertheless, even though it is a grave criminal offense to challenge Cuba's socialist system, I was determined to deliver a presentation of libertarian principles in the middle of Havana. I got my chance when one of the research centers I visited asked me to explain libertarianism to its staff. I said, "In the United States, the state runs our educational system and it is a disaster. We libertarians challenge the state by asking: 'Why not end state involvement in education and have a free market in education?'" "Our government also runs an old-age assistance program for Americans called Social Security, and it is a bankrupt mess. We libertarians challenge ...

The Fundamental Rights of the European Union: Individual Rights or Welfare-State Privileges? Part 2

IN NOVEMBER 1934, during the dark years of growing tyranny throughout Europe, British historian Ramsey Muir penned a short article that appeared in the pages of the journal The Nineteenth Century and After. His theme was civilization and liberty. He asked how it was that of all the civilizations around the world, only the one centered in Europe had succeeded in flourishing in terms of sustained freedom and prosperity. Europe, he pointed out, had not always had either freedom or prosperity. These were relatively new phenomena, evolved during the preceding four or five hundred years. Their roots, however, went back far into European history. They had their origins in the ancient Greek world, with its emphasis on reason and the importance of pursuing a knowable truth, and in the Christian heritage of an equality of all men before a Supreme Maker that would eventually come to challenge the ...

A New Foreign-Policy Paradigm for America

Ludwig von Mises observed that government intervention inexorably leads to more government intervention until the point comes that government assumes total control over the affairs of the citizenry. The idea is that since government interventions always produce perverse consequences, government officials will inevitably enact new interventions designed to fix the problems resulting from the earlier ones. The cycle repeats ...

Hornberger’s Blog, February 2011

Monday, February 28, 2011 Jury Nullification Prosecutorial Abuse While the U.S. government was expressing outrage over attacks on freedom of speech at the hands of U.S.-supported dictators in the Middle East, the U.S. Justice Department was securing a federal grand jury indictment against a man named Julian Heicklen. The charge? The feds are charging Heicklen for handing out jury-nullification pamphlets to ...