Search Query: open borders

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You searched for "open borders" and here's what we found ...

Socialism, American Style, Part 6

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 I grew up on a farm on the Rio Grande just outside Laredo, Texas, a city that is situated on the U.S.-Mexico border. I lived practically half my life in Texas. Throughout that time, I witnessed an immigration crisis, one that is still ongoing today. There is a simple reason for this never-ending crisis: America’s system of immigration controls is a socialist system, and socialism always produces crises. America’s immigration system is based on the socialist principle of central planning. The government plans in a top-down, command-and-control fashion the movements of millions of people. It decides how many total immigrants will be permitted to enter the United States and how many immigrants may come from each foreign country. It also decides the qualifications and credentials for people wishing to immigrate to the United States. It determines how many immigrants are ...

Closed Minds on Open Borders, Part 2

Part 1 | Part 2 Did you ever think you would see the day when the United States government would be forcing people into communism? Thirty years ago, the U.S. government sent 50,000 American men, many of whom had been conscripted, to their deaths in Southeast Asia. The purported reason: "We don't want the South Vietnamese to have to live under communism because communism is bad. It is necessary to conscript and send American men to their deaths to prevent this from happening." What hogwash! If communism was so bad as to justify the deaths of 50,000 American men, then why is the U.S. government now forcibly repatriating Cuban refugees into Cuban communist tyranny? Today, men, women, and children flee Cuba in dangerous, leaky rafts in shark-infested waters. But this is ...

Bionic Mosquito’s Bite Misses the Mark

In my article “Bionic Mosquito Has It Wrong on Immigration,” I pointed out that when it comes to immigration enforcement measures that accompany immigration controls, Bionic Mosquito (i.e., Jonathan Goodwin) was steadfastly ensconced in the land of silence. Like many proponents of immigration controls, he simply chose not to discuss them. Bionic has now published a rejoinder to my article, entitled “Burnt Toast,” which I diligently searched to determine if he had exited the land of silence with respect to the federal government’s immigration enforcement measures. I was curious to see if, in the face of my open challenge, Bionic would join me and other libertarians in our condemnation of the measures that the federal government takes to enforce its immigration controls. After all, in his original article taking me to task for supporting the principles of open immigration, he steadfastly claimed that he was not a prominent of government-controlled borders.


# America's Fickle Welcome Mat by Jeffrey Kaye Los Angeles Times # Peter Watts, Canadian Writer, Guilty of Felony for Arguing with U.S. Border Officer by J.D. Tuccille The Examiner # Bashing "Them" Again by Peter Schrag Los Angeles Times # Why the East of England Needs Migrant Workers by Philippe Legrain # The Economics of Migration (pdf) by Philippe Legrain # Of Gold and Bondage by Dominique Browning New York Times # Foreigners ...