Search Query: open borders

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You searched for "open borders" and here's what we found ...

Bill Clinton: World Cop

In a major foreign-policy address delivered a few months back in San Francisco, President Bill Clinton solemnly affirmed that everything everywhere in the world is the business of the United States. If you ever entertained the thought that we Americans should be free just to live our lives, raise our families, and participate voluntarily in our communities — forget it. The president of the United States has plans for us and our money. "Today," Mr. Clinton said, "we must embrace the inexorable logic of globalization — that everything, from the strength of our economy to the safety of our cities, to the health of our people, depends on events not only within our borders, but half a world away." Let's pause here to let this sink in. That is truly an extraordinary statement. "Everything depends on events half a world away." Really? Lest you think Clinton has an unrealistic agenda in mind, he added, "We cannot, indeed, we should not, do everything ...

Bill Clinton: World Cop

Bill Clinton: World Cop by Sheldon Richman, June 1999 In a major foreign-policy address delivered a few months back in San Francisco, President Bill Clinton solemnly affirmed that everything everywhere in the world is the business of the United States. If you ever entertained the thought that we Americans should be free just to live our lives, raise our families, and participate voluntarily in our communities — forget it. The president of the United States has plans for us and our money. "Today," Mr. Clinton said, "we must embrace the inexorable logic of globalization — that everything, from the strength of our economy to the safety of our cities, to the health of our people, depends on events not only within our borders, but half a world away." Let's pause here to let this sink in. That is truly an extraordinary statement. "Everything depends on events half a world away." Really? Lest you think Clinton has an unrealistic agenda in mind, he added, "We ...

Bill Clinton: World Cop

In a major foreign-policy address delivered a few months back in San Francisco, President Bill Clinton solemnly affirmed that everything everywhere in the world is the business of the United States. If you ever entertained the thought that we Americans should be free just to live our lives, raise our families, and participate voluntarily in our communities — forget it. The president of the United States has plans for us and our money. "Today," Mr. Clinton said, "we must embrace the inexorable logic of globalization — that everything, from the strength of our economy to the safety of our cities, to the health of our people, depends on events not only within our borders, but half a world away." Let's pause here to let this sink in. That is truly an extraordinary statement. "Everything depends on events half a world away." Really? Lest you think Clinton has an unrealistic agenda in mind, he added, "We cannot, indeed, we should not, do everything ...