Search Query: open borders

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You searched for "open borders" and here's what we found ...

National Review Is Wrong About Trump

National Review, the conservative publication founded by William F. Buckley, Jr., at the height of the Cold War, has gone on the attack against Donald Trump. In a series of short articles collectively entitled “Conservatives Against Trump,” various writers weigh in against Trump, suggesting that he isn’t a true conservative. Balderdash! Trump is as genuine a conservative as every one of those National Review conservative critics. What is conservatism? It is a philosophy of ad hoc positions on various political and economic issues, many of which are socialist and fascist in nature, while falsely and deceptively standing for “free enterprise, private property, and limited government.” How is that different from the political and economic philosophy of Donald Trump? It’s not. In fact, conservatives might not like it but the fact is that Donald Trump is the evolutionary outcome of the philosophical road that conservatives have been traveling for decades. With the rise of Donald Trump, they should be trumpeting their success, ...

Bernie Sanders: Revolutionary Stuck in Reverse

I get why people like Bernie Sanders. He seems like a genuine person. Most of his funding comes from grassroots donors and he has a mostly deserved outsider status. He’s honest about his political beliefs, and isn’t afraid to call himself a socialist. He has all the rancorous charm of Peter Finch in the 1976 film, Network : He’s mad as hell and he’s not going to take it anymore! There’s only one problem: he really wants to start a revolution, but forgot to bring any revolutionary ideas to the rally. His policy prescriptions far from fresh, radical, or different have long comprised the political status quo in Washington. While it’s true he often diagnoses real issues, his almost always suggests solutions that are a contributing or root cause of the problems in the first place. He rightly sees student loan debt as an issue, yet he wants to flood the market with even more worthless college degrees by ...

What’s Exceptional about America?

Two articles on the front page of yesterday’s Wall Street Journal belie the quaint conservative notion that the United States is an “exceptional” nation. One article was entitled “China’s Economy on Bubble Watch” and the other was entitled “Europe Faces Pension Pinch.” The article about China, which has long been governed by a communist regime, states that Chinese officials are emphasizing “growth” in the economy while, at the same time, avoiding an inflation of an asset bubble. To achieve these goals, China’s central bank has set specific targets for increases in the money supply. The Chinese communist plan should sound very familiar to Americans. Meanwhile, over in Europe the national governments are increasingly concerned that there are insufficient working young people to fund the pensions of all the people who are retiring. The second article points out, State-funded pensions are at the heart of Europe’s social-welfare model, insulating people from extreme poverty in old age. Most European countries have set aside almost nothing to ...

How to Achieve Omnipotent Government

Ludwig von Mises explained how government interventionism into economic activity ultimately leads to omnipotent government. It’s because the first intervention inevitably creates problems or crises. Rather than repeal the original intervention, which would constitute an acknowledgement that the intervention had failed, government planners double down by introducing a new intervention to fix the problems or crises of the original ...

The Problem with Conservatism

Nikolai G. Wenzel has a problem with conservatism. A libertarian, Wenzel is a Research Fellow at the University of Paris Law School’s Center for Law & Economics and the coauthor (with conservative Nathan W. Schlueter) of Selfish Libertarians and Socialist Conservatives? The Foundations of the Libertarian-Conservative Debate (Stanford Economic and Finance, 2017). This book is the only “debate book” between ...

Advancing Liberty by Adhering to Principle

The following is a shortened, non-verbatim version of a talk I recently delivered to the Tidewater, Virginia, Libertarian Party: The great German thinker Johann Goethe lived during the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Goethe stated: “None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.” Although those words were expressed back then, they perfectly capture the plight ...