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Commentaries – 1999

January 1999 A Better State of the Union Address by Jacob G. Hornberger Euro is a No-Go by Sheldon Richman Open Borders: A Gift from the Founders by Jacob G. Hornberger Rhinestone Benevolence by Sheldon Richman The Economic Ignorance of Our 'Leaders' by Sheldon Richman The Hot Air Emanates from Washington by Sheldon Richman The Mexican Heritage in the American Southwest by Jacob G. Hornberger back to top February 1999 A 10 Percent Tax Cut? Repeal the 16th Amendment Instead by Jacob G. Hornberger Brazil and the Crisis of Paternalism by Jacob G. Hornberger Pay Equity Errors by Sheldon Richman Tax-Cut Fallacies by Sheldon Richman The Capricious State by Sheldon Richman The King's False Legacy by Sheldon Richman back to top March 1999 Castro's Abandonment of Socialist Principle by Jacob G. Hornberger Constitution 101 by Sheldon Richman Do Our Rights Come from the Constitution? by Jacob G. Hornberger Preventing Holocausts by Sheldon Richman Searching for Monsters Abroad by Sheldon Richman Support Cuban Dissidents-Lift ...

Commentaries – 1999

January 1999 A Better State of the Union Address by Jacob G. Hornberger Euro is a No-Go by Sheldon Richman Open Borders: A Gift from the Founders by Jacob G. Hornberger Rhinestone Benevolence by Sheldon Richman The Economic Ignorance of Our 'Leaders' by Sheldon Richman The Hot Air Emanates from Washington by Sheldon Richman The Mexican Heritage in the American Southwest by Jacob G. Hornberger February 1999 A 10 Percent Tax Cut? Repeal the 16th Amendment Instead by Jacob G. Hornberger Brazil and the Crisis of Paternalism by Jacob G. Hornberger Pay Equity Errors by Sheldon Richman Tax-Cut Fallacies by Sheldon Richman The Capricious State by Sheldon Richman The King's False Legacy by Sheldon Richman March 1999 Castro's Abandonment of Socialist Principle

Hornberger’s Blog, April 2005

Saturday, April 30, 2005 One of the interesting twists of fate in Iraq involves Bush versus Bush with respect to the regime that would rule Iraq. After U.S. military forces under Bush I ousted Saddams forces from Kuwait in the Persian Gulf intervention, Bush I encouraged the Shiites and the Kurds to revolt. However, U.S. officials ultimately decided to stand aside while Saddam slaughtered the insurgents, filling mass graves with their bodies, because U.S. officials concluded that a Shiite regime would be worse than a Saddam regime given that it would likely align itself with Iran, another enemy of the U.S. government. When Bush II invaded Iraq many years later, his hope was obviously to simply replace Saddam with a dictator that would align Iraq within the U.S. Empire, permitting the U.S. to move its military bases in Saudi Arabia to Iraq and permitting U.S. oil companies to have the best oil-producing contracts. That was the idea behind installing either Pentagon favorite ...

A Misguided Attack on The Future of Freedom Foundation

In an article at, writer Keith Farrell suggests that libertarians should support foreign interventionism and specifically takes The Future of Freedom Foundation and to task for opposing foreign interventionism. Acknowledging that some U.S. interventions have proven to be absolute disasters, Farrell feels that libertarians should nonetheless be supporting U.S. foreign interventionism in selected cases. Farrell is wrong. ...

The U.S. Government’s Regime-Change Obsession Rears Its Ugly Head Again

The U.S. government’s 116-year-old obsession with controlling Cuba has suddenly manifested itself again. Yesterday, the Associated Press, based on secret records that it obtained, reported that USAID, the federal agency that distributes billions of dollars in U.S.-taxpayer funded foreign aid and which has long served as a front organization for the CIA, has been engaged in a super-secret, ...

Freedom To Move: Personal Liberty or Government Control, Part I

The immigration issue has once more bubbled to the surface in America because of the provocative statements and assertions by one of the Republication contenders for their party’s presidential nomination. Immigrants – especially illegal immigrants – are accused of stealing the jobs of “real” Americans, of mooching off the welfare state at the expense of taxpaying U.S. citizens and legal ...