Search Query: open borders

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You searched for "open borders" and here's what we found ...

Good Riddance on the Tiny Red Ripple

While we still don’t know how things are going to shake out with respect to control over Congress, conservatives and even some conservative-oriented libertarians are licking their wounds over the fact that their much-anticipated Great Red Wave turned out to be the Tiny Red Ripple.  I know that conservatives and conservative-oriented libertarians don’t like hearing this, but I say: Good riddance! There isn’t a bit of difference, in a fundamental sense, between Republicans and Democrats. They both are just fighting to control the welfare-warfare state, regulated-society that they both have foisted on the American people. Not only are they both destroying our nation from within, they are both increasingly determined to get our nation embroiled in life-ending nuclear war with both Russia and China. One of the funniest aspects of their political campaigns are their mantras, which truly reflect their moral bankruptcy and rank  hypocrisy.  For example, a favorite mantra of Democrats is, “We love ...

More Deaths from Immigration Controls

Immigration-control advocates have lots more deaths to add to their immigration-control ledger, although these deaths took place in Europe rather than the United States. According to New York Times, “As many as 650 men, women, and children” drowned when an overcrowded fishing trawler carrying illegal migrants capsized off the coast of Greece. The Times called it “one of the deadliest migrant shipwrecks in decades.” Greek authorities have charged nine individuals who allegedly carried out the smuggling operation, just as U.S. officials do whenever there is a similar type of deadly immigration event occurring here in the United States, such as when migrants die of asphyxiation in the back of a tractor-trailer.   But of course, what immigration-control advocates, both here and abroad, are loathe to acknowledge is that it is their system of immigration controls that is responsible for these types of migrant tragedies. Given that European countries have tightened their immigration controls, just as the United ...

C-SPAN Interview on An Encounter with Evil

NOTE: This Thursday at 7 p.m Eastern, we feature the third speaker in our new online series “How Austrian Economics Impacted My Life.” Our speaker will be Larry White, who teaches economics at George Mason University, whose economics department is one of the best free-market, Austrian-oriented departments in the country. Larry is another star in Austrian economics. He serves as  Distinguished Senior Fellow of the F. A. Hayek Program for Advanced Study in Philosophy, Politics and Economics of the Mercatus Center at GMU. I hope you’ll join us for another fun intellectual evening. To participate live, go to our website (, scroll down to Upcoming Events, click on this conference, then click to go to the registration page, then register, and we will send you Zoom link.  **** At Freedom Fest last July, I had the honor of being interviewed by C-SPAN’s Book TV about my most recent book An Encounter ...

Out-of-Control Spending and Debt Means More Tyranny

The federal government’s debt load just passed $35 trillion. According to, that amounts to $267,000 per taxpayer. It’s worth mentioning that that federal debt load does not include Social Security and Medicare obligations or the obligations arising from other “unfunded liabilities.” This fiscal situation is not getting any better. That’s because the federal government is spending ...